Wi-LAN sues Apple over Wi-Fi, HSPA wireless technology patents

Wi-LAN, a aggregation that has a history of apparent contravention apparel aimed at technology companies, set its architect on Apple Friday with a fresh accusation accompanying to wireless technology.
In accession to Apple, the complaint additionally includes Alcatel-Lucent, Dell, Hewlett Packard, HTC, Kyocera, Novatel, and Sierra Wireless. All of the companies are accused of actionable two wireless patents.
The first, U.S. Apparent No. RE 37,802, is advantaged “Multicode absolute arrangement advance spectrum. It covers technology accompanying to cellular wireless standards CDMA and HSPA.
The additional apparent included in the complaint is U.S. Apparent No. 5,282,222, “Method and accoutrement for assorted admission amid transcievers in wireless communications application OFDM advance spectrum.” It is accompanying to Wi-Fi and 4G abiding change technology.
The complaint was filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Tyler Division. Apparent contravention lawsuits are frequently filed there in hopes of a favorable aftereffect for the plaintiff.
Wi-LAN has an accustomed history of targeting technology companies in apparent contravention lawsuits, including antecedent spats with Apple. In 2007, Wi-LAN sued Apple over the use of Wi-Fi, while afresh aftermost year, Apple was listed amid a host of defendants for declared apparent contravention accompanying to Bluetooth technology.
Other companies ahead sued by Wi-LAN, which was founded in 1992, accommodate Acer, Comcast, Lenovo, Motorola, Sony, Time Warner and Toshiba, aloof to name a few. Antecedent complaints were additionally filed in the Eastern District of Texas.
Wi-LAN appear Friday that it will be represented by McKool Smith, which it alleged “a arch U.S. law close specializing in bookish acreage litigation.” The aforementioned close is already apery Wi-LAN in its added apparent contravention cases in Texas.