Safe and Sound: Safety on a Building Site

Work accidents and health problems induced by working on a construction site are one of the biggest problems for the construction industry. Investing in work safety is an absolute must, and if you’re running a construction company, there are quite a lot of rules and regulations you need to follow.
We did a bit of researching and we’ve made this short guide through general safety on a construction site. We’ve focused mostly on the most common problems reported by OSHA. These tips should help point you in the right direction when it comes to safety at work, so, without much further ado, let’s get straight to it.
One of the leading causes of worker injury and even death is improper fall protection. Even though this is one of the highly regulated issues, it still represents a significant problem for construction companies all over the world. You need to follow regulations meticulously, but there are some other things you can do.
Your workers need to get to know the construction site as well as possible. Make sure they know all of the potential hazards and dangerous areas. You also need to make sure no one works in areas without the proper fall protection. Educate your workers about critical points of your construction site and make sure everyone understands all potential dangers they might face. Make sure you do your research and you invest in the tested and approved fall protection for your building site. Make sure all dangerous areas are highlighted and properly inaccessible.
Next to improper fall protection, improper use of ladders and bad stairways in construction sites are major causes of injury in the construction industry. Improper securing of the ladder, carrying tools and materials in hands while climbing, even the wrong choice of a ladder are just some of the problems that commonly occur in building sites.
Some of the things you need to do as a construction business owner are to make sure all of the equipment is working properly. Make sure all the labels on the ladders are clear, so your workers know the weight limit and exact measurements of the ladder. Teach your workers about proper securing of the ladder. Make sure they always maintain a three-point contact with the ladder (using both feet and one arm). Make sure your ladders are following OSHA standards even if they are work-made.
Construction workers are faced with a lot of hazardous materials. They get to work with silica, asbestos, lead, treated wood, and wood dust. A lot of building materials contain quite a number of dangerous substances like cadmium, mercury, zinc, and so on. Knowing all these things makes it easier to understand why the proper protection from these substances is imperative for any construction business.
All workers must fully understand and educate themselves about specific hazardous materials they might get exposed to. Make sure they all use and fully understand Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). As an employer, you need to ensure there is a written communication program that deals with the hazards and dangerous materials. Your employees must undergo a proper training in order to avoid any potential health problems.
Another major issue in the construction industry is definitely the improper personal protective equipment. Whether the employers are unavailable to provide their workforce with the best possible equipment, or the personal equipment workers use is unfit for the specifics of the build site, but you would be shocked at the numbers of injuries and even deaths on construction sites caused by improper protective equipment.
There are some things you should do, as a construction business owner. First of all, make sure your workforce has the equipment meant for the job they’re doing. Make sure they all have head protection at all times. Depending on the type of the construction, noise protection, as well as eye protection is integral. Another commonly overlooked aspect of work safety is proper footwear. Make sure your workers have the best mens work boots, talk to them about their personal equipment and make sure it all follows the standards for workplace safety.
As a construction business owner, you’ve probably learned a lot about work safety by now, but there’s always room for more when it comes to the health and well-being of your workers. You can even hire a professional work safety consultant that can help you understand the potential problems you might face. Never underestimate the work safety, and try to focus on it as much as possible, if you want your construction business to reach success.