Everything You Wanted To Know About Liposuction

Liposuction is considered to be a safe, easy, and less painful procedure for removing fat from the body. The procedure helps reshape one or more areas of the body. It is typically used on problem areas that have not responded well to diet and exercise. The areas that are commonly treated with liposuction are outer thighs and hips of women and waist and back of men. Face, neck, abdomen, back, buttocks, legs, and upper arms are commonly treated areas with liposuction.
Liposuction removes fat from the body using suction. During the treatment, small, thin tubes with blunt tips are inserted through tiny cuts in the skin. Fat is suctioned out through these tubes as the cosmetic surgeon moves the tubes around under the skin to target fat deposits. With advancements in technology, several new techniques have emerged, such as tumescent liposuction, ultrasound assisted liposuction, and laser assisted liposuction.
In Tumescent liposuction, a local anaesthesia is used to numb the area where the tube will be inserted. Large amount of anaesthetic solution is injected into the fatty tissue before conventional liposuction procedure is performed. Tumescent liposuction doesn’t require general anaesthesia. Ultrasound assisted liposuction makes use of ultrasound to liquefy the fat. The procedure is highly effective in removing fat from upper abdomen, sides, and back. Laser assisted liposuction uses low energy waves to remove the fat.
Liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis. Patients are not made to stay in the hospital over-night unless large amount of fat needs to be removed. Local anaesthesia may be used in some cases. If large area of fat needs to be removed, general anaesthesia may be given.
After the procedure, the area that is treated is firmly wrapped to help reduce swelling, pain, and bruising. Depending on the part of the body that is being treated, elastic bandages, tape, support hose, or a special girdle may be used. Bruising and swelling is normal for 7-10 days following the surgery. Fluid may also drain from the incision site for several days. Patients are given antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.
Most people are able to resume their normal lifestyle within a few days. Recovery depends on the area being treated. If large area is being treated, recovery is usually slow.
Liposuction is found to be highly successful in removing fat from smaller areas. Some improvement in body contour is noticeable right after the surgery. The full effects of the surgery are however noticeable within a year.
Liposuction doesn’t tighten the skin over the treated area. After fat is removed, the skin around the area may become somewhat loose. It takes around 6 months for the skin to become tightened around the treated area.
Although liposuction is a safe procedure, some of the risks that are associated with it, include, swelling, bruises, soreness, numbness, scarring, irritation, permanent colour changes in the skin, uneven skin surface over the treated area, damage to the nerves and skin. However, when performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon, the risks and complications are very rare.
Remember that liposuction is not a weight loss treatment and should not be considered an alternative to diet and exercise. You must only consider this treatment if you are healthy and have healthy weight but have stubborn fat deposits that do not respond to exercise.
Check out local beauty directory in Australia to find cosmetic surgeons in Australia who offer liposuction. Experienced and skilled cosmetic surgeons would be able to educate you better about the treatment.