Using Biology To Advance Society

The progress of society needs to use the advances of biology. Modern research practices of biology constitute the next list:
Let’s dive into each of these topics.
For those who don’t know about Neurotransmitters, these are chemicals which are located in the brain, and are released to allow and impulse from one never cell to another. There are billions of nerves within the brain, but only about 50 neurotransmitters have been identified to this point. The nerve cells communicate with each other thru these neurotransmitters, which can either inhibit certain nerve cells, or excite them, depending upon what the brain is experiencing, creating a nerve impulse.
These impulses travel freely thru the brain in a cellular structure called an Axon, which leads the impulse to the membrane. From the membrane, these pulses are then directed to a receptor site, which spurs the brain into action.
The discovery and exploration of this entire system has been extraordinary, as this research has led to the beginning stages of figuring out certain mental diseases. Alzheimer’s, Schizophrenia and Depression can all be caused by some sort of damage that is done within the system that was described above. If the first step is knowing there is a problem, the next step is attempting to find out what the problem is.
If scientists can figure out which step along the way is broken, and how that broken piece affects the brain, they can narrow in on how to fix that section of the brain. Surely different pieces of the systems being broken lead to different mental disorders, but knowing more now compared to any other time in history about the brain will help scientists learn how to fix the issues that plague those with mental disorders.
A unicellular organism, or a Haploid, only carries a single set of chromosomes, where as a multicellular organism, or a Diploid, carries two sets of chromosomes. The reason for the explanation is that a Haploid typically does not lead to any genetic mutation, as there is only a set of chromosomes. However, when you have two sets of chromosomes, there is more of a chance of one chromosome being more dominant, or the other being more recessive.
This could lead to a person either gaining, or losing, certain functions which are considered to be normal. The idea behind the research being done with a Haploid gene is to inject this into certain individuals who have lost certain features they want to have returned, or to possibly even alter their DNA in a slight way. Instead of having to worry about the possibility of two genes, it would be easier to only have to deal with one gene, and have it contain the alteration that is desired. By using this advancement, it could take something simple and alter someone’s permanent eye color, to something more advanced, like height.
In order to further advance these fields, there has to be a continuation of not only separating cells in an organism, but to separate these cells in a living, breathing organism. It is one thing to study cells on a body which has no activity; it can bring a whole new clarity to the issue if you are able to separate out the cells on someone who is living, and has active cells and chromosomes and nerve centers.
This field continues to evolve, and there are more non-evasive forms of research being introduced on a consistent basis. The more this kind of research takes place, the more likely a cure can be found to help those in need.
As with all science mediums, Biology is a field which continues to advance towards the common good. There will continue to be a need for Biology to explore what makes the human body tick, in order to offer up solutions to help those who need it most. By figuring out how to take care of some of the most complex issues facing us as a society, we can ensure our stability and longevity for future generations.
The article is provided by Edusson (academic writing advisory service)