How to Prepare, Apply and Get an International Job

If you’re looking for an excuse to travel abroad, getting a work visa might be the easiest plan. Of course, in order to get that kind of visa, you’ll need to get a job. Jobs are hard to nail down, so it’s best to do as much preparation as you can. There are jobs available in pretty much every industry. Everything from IT, Finance, Marketing and Legal has an open position if you know where to look.
One of the best selling points for an international job is knowledge of multiple languages. Bilingual people have far more options — nearly any international business deals with foreign clients. With English as a first language, some of the best second languages to know include Spanish, French, German and Chinese.
Caution is first and foremost when you’re applying for jobs overseas. Not every company is what it appears to be, and there are plenty of shady corporations out there who will prey upon those looking to work abroad. They rely on your inability to seek or find other work to maintain your visa, and railroad you into an awful position. With that in mind, it’s always best to look for positions in well-known international companies.
You should develop for yourself a plan for finding overseas employment. There’s a number of steps you can take to make your job search easier. Limit yourself to the industries you are trained in, or at least have a passing understanding of. Make yourself a list of companies that offer bilingual employment, the positions they offer, and any other relevant details.
It’s always better to apply for open positions than to companies that have no vacancies. If you can, register with a recruitment agency. Often these agencies will have access to the sort of information you might not. They can also help you develop a number of contacts in the industry, and hook you up with people who can help you.
While you’re doing all this, you should also prepare for all facets of the interview process. Make sure you have a good resume you can send to any company, and that you can customize for each. Prepare to answer most standard interview questions and sell yourself in the best light possible. Also prepare for disappointment when you miss an interview date or are passed up for a position — it’s almost guaranteed to happen.
One thing to keep in mind is that just because you land an overseas job doesn’t mean you’ll be rolling in money. The overseas move alone can put you in debt, and if you don’t have a good enough starting salary you may be living like a pauper.
Before applying for a position you should know some basics about the company. The location is important, to determine costs of moving and living. The working environment is also important. You should also find out what sort of salary you can expect, what benefits you’ll get, and any other side perks of the work position.
Most of this information can be provided by a good recruitment agency. In fact, a recruitment agency should be your first contact when you’re searching for a bilingual job. The benefits are simply too great to ignore.