Disability Claims Law – Toronto

Disability is referred to as the consequence of a damage or injury which may affect the physical, mental, emotional aspects of human body. Disability can be by birth or it can arise during the life of the person.
Disability has the tendency to alter the human life in negative manner which may extends to the limitation of performing a certain activity or may result in permanent impairment. Impairment is generally referred to as a permanent malfunction of a certain body function or structure while an activity limitation is the hindrance suffered by individual while performing a particular task.
Toronto has seen a significant increase in disability claims over the course of last few years. There is a robust procedure in place to claim the disability benefits based on certain criteria to be qualified as disabled. Disability benefits are the monetary assistance which is extended by public or private sources to any individual who falls under the definition of disability. The underlying procedure requires impairment as an essence to be considered as disable whether occurred in the past or due to a recent event resulting in physical, cognitive or developmental disabilities.
Statistic related to Toronto for Disability frequency:
According to various studies measuring statistics related to disability frequency amongst the people of Toronto and Canada, people are 10 time more prone to disability while reaching 35th year of their lives. It is claimed that the average long-term disability (LTD) on a person extends up to 3.1 years. A disable person therefore is expected to lose the potential life time income as well as the savings courtesy costly treatments thus making it a critical aspect to make arrangements for disability benefits.
The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
The program is designed to provide assistance and disability benefits to the people of Ontario including that of Toronto. The underlying aim of the program is to target and assist people having profound disability issues. It is governed by the Ontario government’s Ministry of Community and Social Services.
The program is designed to extend financial assistance to the disabled people in order to assist them in managing their basic necessities and other day to day living expenses. The program further extends to cover various expenses related to prescription drugs and limited dental services. So the idea is to provide income support to the disabled people.
The program limits the assistance to only those individuals who are suffering from any sort of physical or mental disability and requires aid to overcome the trauma for better and normal life ahead.
Other disability benefits
The people of Toronto can also make use of various disability benefit schemes depending upon their conditions which may include;
Disability Insurance and claims:
Disability insurance is primarily focused on to provide compensation to the people during the time where they are unable to perform their work yielding earnings. Therefore it is important to select the right insurance plan leaving no gap in coverage while transition from the end of short-term policy to commencement of long-term policy benefits.
Disability insurance coverage is available through a variety of sources including: