What Is The Standard For Beauty?

Why do some women go under the knife? Is it to feel better about themselves?
The standard for beauty is constantly changing. Marilyn Monroe was considered beautiful by the standards of her day. But, by today’s standard she would undoubtedly be considered fat and overweight. White skin was regarded as a standard of beauty in the nineteenth century and still remains as a mark of beauty by American standards. Skin whitening creams are a huge industry in Asia. Also, eyelid surgery to add folds to the eyes and widen the eyes for a more European look is popular among Asian women.
Women have foot surgery to correct their feet after years of wearing high heels. They have gastric bypass surgery to keep them from overindulging and to maintain an acceptable weight. They wear hair extensions to have a full head of flowing hair because hair is a standard of beauty. They have butt lifts, liposuction and tummy tucks, reconstructive surgery, botox, breast augmentation and a host of other surgeries.
Many women who look into the mirror and spot more wrinkles will consider having some work done. Rates of cosmetic surgery are growing, especially among the baby boomers . They are ready and willing to do what it takes to stay younger longer or give off that appearance. Among Americans aged 50 and older who may not be able to retire by age 70 an estimated 3.5 million have sought out some form of cosmetic surgery.
Women who have consistent surgeries may feel better about themselves after the first or second surgery but after a while the effect is lost and they opt for another and another and another. Some of these people who repeat surgeries perceive there is a flaw where there is no flaw. They are seeking a solution to a physical condition that is psychiatric in origin. Many times it is not how a person looks that is driving their decision to subject themselves to continued plastic surgical procedures but imprecise self-perceptions of themselves.
The rise in selfies is a troublesome tendency that causes people to be more aware of their appearance on social media. Members of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery indicated through a survey that because there is an increase in photo sharing via social media, peoples’ dissatisfaction with their appearance is on the rise. The standard for beauty is constantly changing and there is increased social pressure to look a certain way. The most common surgery for teens ages 13 to 19 is rhinoplasty (nose surgery) and there has been a 10 percent increase in rhinoplasty . In the last five years the number of people under 21 who have had plastic surgery for one reason or another increased by 30%. Otoplasty (ear surgery) is up 42 percent in children under 18 years old.
Young women feel more insecure than ever before. Media pressures them to acquire the perfect body. An unregulated industry is taking advantage of a market that is growing exponentially. A survey of 2,000 teens found 40 percent of the girls questioned had considered plastic surgery. Forty-one percent of girls seven to 10 years and 63 percent of girls eleven to sixteen years felt pressure to look like the celebrities look.
There is pressure today to stay young, thin and beautiful . Beautiful people seem to get the jobs and the promotions. Studies have shown that people who look better are more successful. Visual appearance is important and good looks and beauty give people an edge. People who don’t feel they can fit into the standard for beauty can always find a surgeon who can accommodate them.