Top 5 Most Popular Sources For Handmade Beach Jewelry

If you’re looking for that unique, one of a kind piece of jewelry, forget the big box stores because e-commerce has revolutionized how artisans and makers sell their handmade items. It is easier today to become or find the creative do-it-yourself (DIY) entrepreneurs who design and offer handmade goods business, from scratch, online.
With so many sources to explore, it’s almost like a treasure hunt, around any real or virtual corner you may be pleasantly surprised to find that ultra rare piece of jewelry that no one owns or has ever designed. Many of these sources are available online so traveling is minimal but sometimes you’ll find more fun in going out “show” hopping over the weekend. You want unique and exotic, in some case, but something that everyone else does not own.
Good Life By The Beach – there’s no need to travel the world to find that rare and unique piece of jewelry. Instead, the Good Life By The Beach has done all the traveling, located these items, and made them available just for you – tropical – inspired – living. To learn more about their inspiration behind their story, you should read their Mexican Fisherman Story on the web page.
They specialize in jewelry and bags and totes so why not follow them on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Holiday and Craft Shows – these types of events are usually themed so they may only occur once annually meaning that they are few and far between. The good news is that there may be many such events so you will need to scour the local newspapers, local community news, local television advertisements, and mailers. The most common locations to hold the events are fairgrounds, conference centers, and parking garages at the inner city similar to flea markets.
Online Craft sites – this is one of the most lucrative means to search, find, and locate both the type of jewelry and source with which to buy. Some of the most popular web sites include Etsy, DaWanda, Bonanza, Yardsellr, Shopify, and Handmade at Amazon. The individual artists are available to your directly so you can get information about the piece as well as buy it at a very fair and reasonable price.
Estate Sales and Auctions – this is an area where an event will pop seemingly overnight without warning or any preparation time. There are a couple of web sites in particular to visit that may offer plenty of auctions and jewelry sources: Auction Zip and eBay’s Estate Sale Jewelry.
A scan of eBay’s offerings include fine antique jewelry, estate sale lot, vintage jewelry lot, estate sale rings, estate jewelry lot, antique jewelry, jewelry lot, and diamond ring categories.
DIY – one possible means to have that rare piece of jewelry is to self-educate and apply. There are many art-related courses and skills that can be learned both formally and informally such as online. One particular skill, mig welding, may be very helpful too – check with the local community colleges and recreation centers.