Selecting An ESOS Auditor For Your Business

If your business falls within the remit of the Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), time is running out to audit your energy efficiency. This assessment is a crucial first step to submitting paperwork that proves your organisation complies with legal requirements. By December 5th 2015, all eligible businesses must have assessed their energy profile, and declared compliance with the regulator.
However, fitting this commitment around your existing framework, policies, and green energy measures can be a challenge. That’s why choosing an auditor that understands your needs and works well with your organisation is essential.
Although using the services of a Lead Auditor to assess your energy consumption and efficiency isn’t essential, all businesses affected by ESOS must have their audits approved by a Lead Auditor. As such, it’s a good idea to approach several energy consultants and auditors, before making your decision.
Of course, one of the main considerations when selecting a partner for this process is experience and reputation. Mistakes in the information you provide can result in hefty fines, so you want to feel confident that the person you choose takes a thorough and precise approach.
On the other hand, you also want an auditor who will be sympathetic towards your needs, and flexible regarding the way you do business. Perhaps you already have energy management and monitoring systems in place, or maybe you need a little more support to streamline your processes and bring your data together.
Find an auditor that can fit around your needs, whether that be a hands-on approach from someone who can take an active role in your auditing, or someone who will leave you in control of the process and simply conduct the final check and approval.
ESOS compliance isn’t just a paper-pushing exercise. In making organisations aware of their energy consumption, the scheme is encouraging businesses to take a more active role in reducing their carbon emissions. Where areas for improvement are highlighted, your business has a lucrative opportunity to reduce costs in the long-run, by implementing energy-saving measures.
This is where a Lead Auditor can really come into their own. With a comprehensive understanding of green energy and carbon emissions, your auditor can act as a personal energy consultant for your business, working with you to find ways to reduce your carbon footprint and keep expenses to a minimum. So not only will you achieve compliance – you’ll also be mapping out a sustainable future for your organisation.
When appointing an auditor for your ESOS compliance campaign, think carefully about what role you’d like them to have in your business. Do you want someone to simply review your evidence and (hopefully) tick the boxes to confirm you comply? Or are you looking for ways to become more efficient, with tailored support from an expert? Bear this in mind when researching Lead Auditors, to find someone who fits absolutely perfectly with your needs and organisation.
This article is written by Kelly Gilmour-Grassam with helpful information from GMI Energy. Kelly is a Yorkshire lass who loves exciting food from inspiring places. You can follow Kelly on Twitter @KellyGGrassam