Nail Trends For winter

Nail is an important part of fashion till date. Each season, whether spring, summer, autumn or winter, and every year the fashion trends keep changing and in this respect, fashion manicures no slouch.
If it is true that fashion is very variable, but within nails, there are some styles that never go out of style and that we keep seeing over the years. So now that the cold is coming, we decided to focus on classic nail trends for winter, those sets of nails that add personality to our winter look to see what you think!
If there is a color for nails that lasts through time, that’s the red. Seductive and bold red nails are a very traveled manicure for any day or time of year event that does not have a red nail polish kept in the drawer?
A good substitute for red may be the pink. These tones serve to alleviate a little nail color if we are not persuaded red passion, and it is clear that never gets old.
Garnets are reddish alternative and a good choice of color for the winter. Ultimately, we all have or have ever had one of these glazes, are that if you paint your nails occasionally are the best option, since they combine with anything.
The black is one of the basic colors in clothing, in supplements … Why not also on your nails?
The black tone fits well with the light and dark skins and if you think that stands far can try to paint your nails with a matte black enamel and now if maracas’ trend!
These shades are ideal for night and for any event where you want to highlight your outfit. Among the metallic shades of nail stand silver, bronze and gold. If you find it difficult to find glazes like these, you can opt for the adhesive nail or nail stickers with these colors.
We also propose the enamels with magnetic effect. This is an enamel which with metallic tones that are sold together with a magnet. Passing this magnet for manicure by the still fresh enamel paint particles are lifted leaving the drawing with seal. They come to draw lines, points, waves…
The “nude” Ringtone came to fashion and just recently came to stay. We can see in shoes, bags and nail. In fact, it is a great ally to beautify nails, then it will seem that the natural wear while providing an elegant touch to your hands.
These four proposals nail trends for winter are almost constant over time, as they are traditional colors and classic.
However, we encourage you to do Nail Art designs or paint your nails with any color that comes to your head, because within Nail almost anything goes! Nail salon in Manhattan NY and Cheap Manicures in Manhattan NY are one of the best in town, visit there site to know more….