Myths About White Water Rafting

Whitewater rafting is an exciting outdoor adventure that many people participate in every year. While many people take it up and have fun on day one, many other people sit on the sidelines because they don’t think they are whitewater rafting material. This article will help to dispel some of the most common myths about whitewater rafting that keep people from getting out there and having some fun.
Countless people hear about whitewater rafting and then quickly forget about it after they do a quick search on Youtube or Google. That’s because words like “extreme sport” and videos filled with people screaming as they go barreling down the rapids are usually to be found at the top of the search results. While it may be true that whitewater rafting appeals to some people who seek out thrills and extreme adventures, most rafting trips aren’t as extreme as what is shown on television or Youtube.
The truth is, there are many different levels of whitewater rafting, and some of them are even friendly to children who are five years and older or senior citizens in their 60’s. On top of this, while it is true that the rapids are the highlight of a lot of whitewater rafting adventures, they are not the only part of them that people enjoy. Many people find the time spent around the campfire at night, meeting new people, spending time with their family, and being out in nature the best parts of their trip.
If you manage to stay in the boat during your whitewater rafting trip, that’s great, but if you do end up in the water, you don’t need to be an Olympic caliber swimmer. This is because when people fall out of the boat, the correct way to stay the safest is for them to turn on their back and let a guide scoop them up. The lifejacket that is required for people to wear during a trip ensures they will not need to know how to swim in order to stay safe. Also, before a whitewater rafting trip begins, there is a safety talk given by the guides that explains and shows people what to do if they fall out of the boat.
Wrong! Camping during a whitewater rafting trip is fun and relaxing. Most of the time, outfitters will being along tents with plenty of room, sleeping bags fitted into waterproof bags, and cozy sleeping pads. Along with all of this, there is usually a portable toilet system of some kind that also comes for the journey. Some rivers even allow rafters to stay in riverside lodges that are nestled along the river. A lot of the food that is brought along for the trip is delicious, and some people have commented on the fact that the food they had on their last whitewater trip was better than they eat at home.
This makes most whitewater rafting guides chuckle when they hear this, because it absolutely isn’t true. Many people picture that all guides are burly men with thick beards and a rough countenance. While a few may be, most are not. Part of the fun of going on a whitewater rafting trip is that your guide is passionate about what they do, and the guides come from all different kinds of backgrounds. To boot, they are there to make sure that you have one of the greatest times of your life.
This article, Colorado’s top vacation destinations this summer, was written by Ryan Thomas for Rocky Mountain Whitewater Rafting. Rocky Mountain Whitewater Rafting has guided thousands of whitewater rafting trips on Clear Creek and throughout Colorado.