Internet Explorer Tips That Can Improve Your Web Surfing Experience

Here are best internet explorer (Version: 6.0) tips that can improve your web surfing experience. Using these tips you can browse the web faster & safer.
View pages offline -When you want to view pages offline at your convenience put the pages in your favorite list.
Steps for customize cookies:
1. Connect to the internet and access the page.
2. Click Favorites on IE.
3. Add to Favourites.
4. In the name field enter a name of the page or default name.
5. Create a new folder or select a folder that already created.
6. Click “Make available offline” check box
7. Click ok
8. To access the page when you are offline, click Favorites.
9. From the drop down menu click the folder & select the title of the page
Cookies -Cookies are small test files that some web sites store on your hard disk.
Use of cookies: Alert you to the new content, store certain registration information, and customize the site. Note: Some sites may store cookies to use your personal information without your consent. So, you can customize your browse settings to allow cookies from only those sites that you consider safe.
Steps for customize cookies:
1. Click tools
2. Click internet options
3. Click privacy tab
4. Move the slider to set privacy level for the Internet Zone. There are three level High, Medium, and Low. We recommend medium level suitable for most of users. Medium level check internet sites for a privacy policy, compare privacy policy to my preference, allow all websites to use cookies, do not allow unsatisfactory third parties to use cookies, and compatible with most websites.
Access recently visited website without typing URL –If you want to access a recently visited site again, click the down arrow at the right of the address box and select web address from the drop down window.
You also access recently visited site again, typing a few words of the address. Internet Explorer automatically drops down the window with a list of web address that matches the typed words. Select the URL from the list and Press Enter.
Cache Size –Browser temporarily stores pages on your hard disk called the cache. If page is available in the cache internet explorer picks pages from cache instead of the remote web server. Therefore you can increase the size or the cache for store more pages in it. It helps when you re-access certain pages they display faster.
Steps for increase cache size:
1. Click Tools
2. Click Internet Options
3. Click settings button
4. Drag the “Amount of disk space to use” slider to the right on settings dialog box.
5. Click the “Automatically” radio button under check for newer versions of stored pages. Selecting “Automatically” radio button IE automatically checks that the version of page in the cache and the server are the same.
6. Click Ok.
Set Internet Explorer Start with a blank page or a different page.
Steps for setting Blank page:
1. Click Tools.
2. Click Internet Options.
3. Home page frame, Click use blank button. Address field fills with the text “about: blank”. Click Apply Button.
If you want to open your favorite web page every time internet explorer opens (for example: Type the URL of web page in the address field and click apply button.
Restrict Bad Sites –Steps for restricting some bad sites accessing from your computer.
1. Click Tools
2. Click Internet Options
3. Click the Security Tab
4. Click the “Restricted Sites” icon
5. In the “Restricted Sites” dialog box, type the url of sites you want to add to the restricted zone.
6. Click Add. Click Ok.
Use of History Button –History button helpful to access a site you have visited week or two weeks ago.
1. Click History Button.
2. In the History panel, click week of your choice. IE lists the entire site you have access that week.
3. Click the site URL, title of the page you browsed displays.
4. From the list, click a title to display the page.
You can also search pages from history list.
1. Click Search Box in the History Panel
2. Type the words/phrase
3. Click the Search Now button.
Browser Secure –You can increase security of your browser to prevent unauthorized access to your login, credit card and other personal information.
Steps for increasing security of web browser:
1. Click Tools
2. Click Internet Options
3. Click Advanced tab
4. In setting window, Under security category
5. Click the check box of your choice to enable the security options they represent.
6. You should enable Use SSL 2.0 and Use SSL 3.0 Options.
Graphics Settings –Simple steps for faster accessing web pages is that don’t auto load graphics.
1. Click Tools
2. Click Internet Options
3. Click Advanced tab
4. In settings window, Under Multimedia category clears the “show pictures” check box. You also clear the “play sounds” and “play video” check box for stopping the playing audio and video in the web pages. It takes more time to download.
Using above all tips makes better use of your internet Browser.