How To Avoid Common Mistakes While Preparing For Ias

IAS exam is believed to be the toughest public service examination. If you are also one out of lakhs of students who is inclined to give this examination, read on some of the common preparation related mistakes which students attempting IAS usually commit.
IAS examination involves study of multiple subjects within a short period of time. Hence, it is very important for every IAS aspirant to carefully plan and manage his or her study time. Usually the most common mistake which students commit is to not plan their time properly. This results in students actually managing to study one or at the max two subjects thereby leaving behind a larger chunk of unfinished studies.
Another thing which students must do but they often miss out on doing is to go through the entire syllabus. If you go glance through the entire syllabus at least once or twice then it gives you an idea as to how exhaustive the syllabus is, and will thus help you in planning and strategizing your studies in a more planned and systematic manner. Hence, always make it a point to go through the complete syllabus including the Optional Subjects Syllabus as well.
You all must be thinking that this sounds weird, but it is true! Students tend to buy countless books from infinite authors. However, with the number of subjects to the covered along with the exhaustive nature of syllabus and short time to prepare, it is practically not possible for you to go through each and every book, and that too, in detail. So avoid buying too many books and just try to study from the IAS general studies material since that will cover almost everything.
Many IAS aspirants usually find it boring to make their own notes while studying. However, this is one habit which they must at all cost inculcate and that too, when they start their preparations. These notes which you make will come in handy at the time of your final examination when time is at a premium for you. Just do this and you will thank us later.
When you start preparing for your examination, there is one thing which you must do daily, and that is to read the newspaper. For all those who have attempted the IAS before, they must know the weight age of current affairs in the examination. So start reading from today.
The Indian Administrative Services or IAS examination is a popular examination which attempted by lakhs of students every year. Of these lakh students, only few thousand actually get through. If you too want to make the cut, keep these points in mind. Work hard and out in the hours for study.
Vajiramandravi coaching classes help score of IAS aspirants every year to prepare well for their exams. Their experienced as well as polite faculty and simulation tests make sure you are ready to give more than your best to the IAS examination.