Gain Your Confidence With The Best Off Road Mobility Scooters

While general mobility scooters give many people who can’t get out and about easily the independence to go where they please, there’s no denying that they have their limitations. Mainly for use in cities and towns, there have always been some places that are still unreachable for those with reduced mobility. That is until now.
Do I need a mobility scooter?
There are thousands of mobility scooters on the market today, but how do you know if you need one? Well, mobility scooters are a great option if you’re struggling to walk very far. These battery-powered vehicles are designed to take one person on short journeys.
There are four main types of scooters. Folding and dismantling varieties are perfect for days out, as they fit into the back of a car boot easily. Class 2 scooters are light and cost-effective and are for use on pavements and pedestrianised areas. Meanwhile, Class 3 vehicles can be used on all roads, except motorways or dual carriageways. However, while they can be used on roads, the maximum speed limits for these mobility scooters is just 8mph, and just 4mph on pavements. However, as they tend to have bigger batteries, Class 3 scooters can deal with hills and are better for longer distances.
However, none of these scooter categories are designed for use in the countryside. That’s where the fourth kind of scooter, an off-road vehicle, comes in.
Why choose off road mobility scooters?
For all intents and purposes, off road mobility scooters are the 4x4s of the motorised scooter world. Perfect for outdoorsy types, these vehicles are robust enough to take on rough terrain, enabling users with reduced mobility to once again enjoy the countryside.
The sophisticated machines come with all-terrain tyres and a long-range capacity, meaning nowhere is off limits. Days out at the beach, trips to the farm and wonderful winter experiences are all up for grabs, as the off road scooters can easily take on sand, mud and snow, thanks to the machine’s robust, durable construction and superior clearance. Perfect for trips out with the whole family, these vehicles have a superb battery life that promises to outrun both kids and dogs!
Never ending benefits
Not only is the great outdoors beautiful, but getting out into open spaces has been proved to help people mentally unwind and also battle the feelings of social isolation that can be rife in our busy towns and cities. Regularly visiting the countryside or the seaside can keep you mentally active, lower your risk of depression, make you feel more positive, improve your focus and even boost your immune system. What’s not to like?
So, when considering which mobility scooter is for you, first think about the kinds of journeys you’d be using one for. If you’re unwilling to give up trips to the seaside, days in the snow and the great outdoors, an off road scooter may be the choice for you. No matter where your heart desires to go, these super scooters are bound to get you there safely, easily and in comfort.