5 Foolproof Ways To Speed Up A Website

Needless to say that the website speed is one of the most important features for any website. A well-developed website allows you to attract new readers or customers.
You can think that a little delay while loading the pages doesn’t hurt. Unfortunately, statistics show another tendency. Just 1-second pause leads to fewer website views and decreased users satisfaction. Another research proves that almost 40% of people leave the page after 3 seconds slowdown. A half of the online shoppers state their loyalty heavily depends on the website speed.
Thus, it’s extremely important to consider the issue. Here are a few tips to keep your website going.
The load time is a crucial point and depends on two things. The first is a free capacity of the server. The more sites it operates, the slower it works. The second thing is the download speed. Any site loads different parts of the page such as images, scripts, and HTML. There is an HTTP request for every element, thus, the connection is obvious. More page elements require more time to proceed.
So how you can improve the load capacity? First of all, you can try to simplify the designs. Combine and put away the components if it’s possible. This way you will improve the website performance.
The goal is to minimize the server response time. The desired result is no more than two hundred milliseconds. Look up reliable tracking services on the Internet. To name a few, Google’s PageSpeed Insights and Yslow. Both of them can provide you both with the data report and performance tips. They keep a clear focus on the improvement of the process.
A lot of website owners desire perfection and look for the high-resolution pictures. Without a doubt, the quality content is important. However, a big problem is that they are slow to load. The data compression technique is a perfect solution if you don’t want to sacrifice the quality. It zips files and decreases a data load. Save the compressed images and reupload them to the site.
It is also recommended to adapt images to the site format. Otherwise, the server will waste time re-sizing the pictures. Modifying them involves two steps. First, identify the pixel dimensions needed for the HTML. Secondly, adjust the desired image size to the actual one with the help of a graphics editor.
When someone visits the site for the first time, the basic information is stored on the computer. It temporarily saves all style sheets and javascript. It can be as much as twenty-five elements and 2 seconds to complete the action. After that, there is no need to send another HTTP request to load the page. Some resources have a caching period of a week, others store cache information for one day only.
As it was mentioned before, there are several components that need to be minimized. Pay particular attention to plugins. Too many plugins create safety concerns and can cause technical crushes. Just delete the unnecessary tools and avoid those which drag the site down. Activate them one by one and track the performance rate of your website. This will help to identify the most buggy ones. Another thing to avoid are the redirects. They create additional requests and slow down the load time.
As you can see, the list of factors that may hinder the website speed is quite long. However, if you consider all potential issues, it will be easy to solve the performance problem at any time.