Web Design Tips – Keeping Mobile And Desktop Platforms In Mind

When running a business, a person must have a nice website that customers can get access to with ease. In the past, this was easy as everyone used the same browser and most people used the same operating system. However, times have changed drastically, and a small business owner must compensate for this by building a mobile-friendly website. Here are four ways a person can do this and prevent visitors on smartphones from leaving.
In the past, a website owner could throw up a dozen or so large images and people would enjoy them thoroughly. While this is still true, a person should remain cautious and not use too many images when making a website. One must remember, whether a person accesses a website with an iPhone or Blackberry OS phones, the pages will load slowly when using too many images. Of course, to give the user a great experience and still offer images, one can resize them as they will load quickly in computers with slow connections or smartphones.
All too often, an entrepreneur will create a beautiful website with interesting content, but fail to excite users when it is too confusing. This is often the case now as people want to go out of their way to impress new visitors. While it is nice to have beautiful pages and interesting content, one must streamline the process for mobile phone users. To do this, a programmer should place the most important website links on every page. This will allow a visitor to reach the pages without clicking around all day.
When throwing up a website quickly, some people use bad code. While the pages will render in most browsers, they will not work well on mobile phones when a person uses inferior code. To test this, a programmer should use an online checking tool or do it manually. Either way, one must realize that not every platform will work, and it is wise to use code without any errors.
To get to the bottom of an issue, a website owner should test the website with as many scenarios as possible. When doing so, a designer can avoid going live with a poorly designed website. Remember, this is the only way to catch any errors that customers would notice.
Whether a visitor buys their phone from wireless from Bell.ca or a large provider, it is important to provide a seamless experience. When doing so, a business owner will enjoy a higher conversion rate.