Smart Career Advice For New College Grads

You’ve completed one of your life’s biggest goals – graduating from college. What are your next moves? This is where a lot of kids end up stumped, eventually falling out of the rat race. You want to keep the momentum going by jumping right into searching for a job. If you wait too long, your enthusiasm will become stale and employers will notice your burnt out flame. If you’re eager to start a position in your chosen career field, then keep the following advice in mind.
It’s common for students to fall into the destiny that the world decides for them. Some promote working a career for a few years, then getting married and buying a home and having children. This destiny isn’t cut out for everyone though. You should sit down and map out your life. What career path do you plan to go down, what salary can you realistically expect from the get go and how much do you expect to earn once you have been promoted to the position you’re after?
Not only will this help you to understand the organizations you apply to, but it will also make a good first impression to the employer. Find out who it is that will be interviewing you and see what you can learn about him or her on LinkedIn and Google. Look at the company’s website and research the industry it operates in. Has it been in the news in the past? What type of products or services do they sell? What about their main competitors?
Once you’re hired, you should work diligently in your role. Once you feel comfortable and confident in your duties, ask your manager for more responsibilities. This will give you a chance to showcase your ability to perform other jobs and shows the manager you’re ready for new opportunities. Who knows, you may end up promoted if you can be consistent. You want your managers to feel like they can depend on you.
There are different fields you can enter into with any degree you obtain. Make sure that you choose a position that resonates with your interests. You can try interning at a company to see if your idea of a particular position lives up to your expectations. If the career you chose is something you can do up until you retire, then you hit the jackpot!
However, some recent graduates may find that their degree may not qualify them for the job they want, and in that case, there is always the option of going back to school. Having already received one degree, you will find that you are qualified for many programs that will not take a long time to finish. For instance, you can find out about Gwynedd Mercy’s accelerated nursing program here, which takes only 15 months if you already have a degree in another subject.
Networking is key for driving forward your career, so take to social media to connect with those in your industry. LinkedIn and Facebook are great places to network with industry professionals and peers from your college. Many employers will search for potential employees on LinkedIn, so make sure you have a profile set up with a professional picture.
After completing your course at UIC online, it’s time to start working towards building your career. Use these tips to find work and potentially reach your career goals.