Looking At The Rise Of Technology In Your Child’s Bedroom

Any intelligent person would agree that children are our future. The way we raise them and nurture them will have an impact on the planet after we’re gone. That’s why today there is a lot of debate about technology and how it is affecting our children, especially in their own bedrooms. People are redesigning their childrens bedrooms with new childrens beds and different types of furniture like stompa cabin beds and thuka trendy furniture
Some believe that technology brings better education, communication and various additional benefits that help children immensely. Others believe that there’s too much technology and that our children are being forced to grow up ‘too soon’. Whatever your beliefs or opinions, technology has definitely made its mark.
The flat screen TV, for example, has gotten bigger and cheaper every year. Children have them in their bedrooms much more frequently now and at a much younger age. While this can be a boon to mom and dad many child development experts believe that children already watch too much TV and that putting one in the bedroom will only increase their viewing habits even more.
Smart phones haven’t just arrived they’ve taken over your child’s bedroom. Children as young as 8 and 9 (and sometimes younger) are now being given cellular smart phones and the key to the World Wide Web with them. A fantastic bit of communication tech the smart phone is quickly becoming the most popular way to enter the internet. This is excellent for learning but also opens a Pandora’s Box of risks.
Gaming technology has made incredible advances in the last few years and the images are incredibly clear and realistic. Of course, there are many games that are also incredibly violent as well, something that worries more than just a few parents and educators. Education marketing agency Grebot Donnelly suggest that technology can have good and bad influences on a child’s development. It just depends on the parents in most cases.
And then there’s the ubiquitous Laptop computer, which in the midst of all of this fantastical new tech seems incredibly quaint. A powerful educational tool it is also a portal to the seedy side of the internet and some say too risky for young hands and minds. Practically every child over 8 owns one today.
Soon everything is going to be synched together too. The TV and the phone and the tablet and the laptop and the light system and the music system will all be linked and the user, child or adult, will be able to easily tune into everything or tune out completely.
Technology in itself really isn’t a bad thing. All of these devices can be used to educate, enliven and of course communicate. Like anything and everything a child experiences it will be up to mum and dad to do a decent job of explaining the positives and the pitfalls of all this tech. Hopefully Jr. will be tuned in to listen to it.