It is important for us to wash the car a few times each month to keep it in tip top shape. When it is bright and sunny, it could be a good time to wash our car completely. However, it is better to do that while the car is in shade. If the car isn’t kept cool, water on the surface of the car will evaporate quite quickly and ugly soap spots will be easily seen. If there is no shade, it is a good idea to wash on the cloudy day. Before we wash the car, it is important to have all the necessary supplies. We should also have a good access to enough water. Tools that we need to have are paper towels, glass cleaning solution, scrub brush, soft cloths, sponges, soap, bucket, pressure washer and hose. If there’s no pressure washer, we should make sure that the water hose has enough pressure to allow us to clean the car more effectively. Once we have gathered all the tools, we should full up the bucket with water and soap. In this case, we should try to make it really sudsy. It is important to use a special soap for car washing, because dish soap and shampoo won’t give us an optimal result.

We should start with the wheels, because they are in continuous contact with the road. Brake dust could also make them prone to corrosion. Because we ride on our tires and wheels, our safety depends mostly on them. While we are cleaning them, we could make sure whether they are working properly. It is important to use plenty of soapy water, with a scrub brush, we should be able to get them properly clean. A degreaser would also be needed. Plenty of good old elbow grease could be needed to make sure that the tread is free from all the debris and dirt. We should be able to rinse them well, once cleaned. Tires can be polished to give it a proper finishing touch. After the tires are cleaned properly, we could begin with the car. At first, we need to hose down the car, so it can be thoroughly wet. It is a good idea to start with small area of the car, before moving to the next. This should allow us to pay a closer attention to detail. When cleaning the car, we should make sure that we use something soft to avoid scratching the paint.

The next thing that we should do is to polish or wax our car. This should protect our car from the elements, like pollutions, road salt, dirt and other contaminants. In order to prepare for this step, it is important to wash the car with the pre-wax treatment. We could use a dry cloth to wax one area at a time. After the wax is completely dry, we should buff the surface with a towel. One coat should be enough to make the car shiny or add another coat to make it shinier.