7 Ways To Find the Right Academic Publisher for Your Work

Completing academic research is an impressive feat. If you’ve worked tirelessly on a research project and written your findings or drafted an article based on your work, it’s important to get it published. Once you’ve completed your work, you have to find the right publisher that meets your needs. The best publishers can help your research get more exposure and further your career goals. Here are ways you can find the right publisher to help you get the most out of your work.
Most academic researchers start their publisher search by looking at their colleagues’ experiences. Begin your journey for a publisher by talking to other people in your program, professors, or academic advisors. Someone else who has had an article successfully published can give you journal recommendations and other tips to improve your chances of publishing success.
Another great resource when looking for a quality publisher is within your own research bibliography. Look at some of the academic articles you used during your project and send writing inquiries to any well-respected journals in your field. Connect with some of the top authors and researchers you used for your work and ask them about publishing recommendations if possible. With this method, your article could be part of a top publishing journal and give future researchers more information for their own projects.
Some writers get help with publisher recommendations by using industry ranking services. There are many different ranking companies that use a variety of criteria to determine the top publishers in the specific academic field. If you want your work to be featured in a journal associated with prestige, the rankings may be significant to your cause. Getting your work accepted at the highest ranked journals may be a challenge that you want to take on.
Your university’s library service may also help you find a suitable academic journal for your work. Make an appointment with the library’s staff to get some recommendations and advice about the best articles for your specific research topic. Most academic libraries have a large database of subscriptions to thousands of academic journals. Consider going with a publisher that offers open access to readers, such as Bentham science publishers.
If you’re still struggling to find the right journal, seek out the advice of the writing industry. There are lots of different online forums you can read through that specifically cater to freelance writers. These forums may offer a little more insight into how publishing works and give you advice about the best academic publishers. This method could help you find an academic journal that provides information to a more general audience than a niche subject.
Getting published in a top academic journal will most likely take some time. It’s vital to understand this before settling on a mediocre journal for your work. Remember the time and care it took to do the research and draft your findings. Consider taking the time to look at larger publishing houses, such as Bentham science, that offer multiple academic journals for your work. Take the time to research each individual journal before making a decision.
The last tip to keep in mind when looking for a publisher is to watch out for fake journals and scammers. This industry has been tarnished by the large number of dishonest organizations that simply want to take your money. Check out a company’s reputation in your industry before submitting your work.
You can get your work successfully published in a top journal if you use this advice. Make an impact in your field and get the recognition you deserve with a published article of your work.