Being in court is a stressful affair. Whether you are appearing as the plaintiff or the defendant, there’s bound to be anxiety every time you have to appear in front of a judge. Other emotions such as anger, despair and sadness also start to creep in as private matters are revealed during proceedings or if you feel justice is not served.

6 Tips That Will Help You Manage The Court Process

The fact is, the court room is an unpredictable place and it’s also out of your control. With this in mind, go to court prepared for any outcome as well as follow the following tips to make your experience more pleasant:

  1. Your life should not be ruled by your rights

You have been brought up to believe that your rights are what matter the most. Where this is the case, you should not let this rule your life to the point where you sue for every minor grievance. When you win some cases in court, you will feel elated. However, when you don’t win and yet you are convinced that your rights were violated, you could start feeling very disillusioned.

If you need to confront parties who have wronged you, consult them in person and ask them to make amends.

  1. Don’t use the court system to exert revenge

If your case has no merit, don’t take it to court because you will lose. After you lose, the other party will sue you for malicious intent and this time, you will have a case to answer for abusing the justice system.

Things can turn around on you quite fast if you are not careful.

  1. Go for mediation first

No matter how bitter you may feel, opt for mediation instead of going to court. Court is about battling to win and if the other side wins, you will be the loser. Mediation however, seeks to actually establish a problem and provide a solution. Mediation is also less expensive and has no pressure.

  1. Find out how much you stand to lose

Before you decide on a court process, analyze how much you could lose.  If the court process goes on for months, you will find yourself spending a lot of money. Sometimes, even a case that is a sure winner could lose and leave you in financial trouble.

  1. Do not relinquish control of your case

A good lawyer understands the importance of keeping clients in the loop. If your lawyer has a tendency to monopolize a case and make decisions without consulting clients, let him know that he cannot handle your case cannot in the same manner.

Even though a lawyer stands to lose something if you don’t win the case, you stand to lose much more. Ask to be fully involved and engaged in every decision. If your lawyer contravenes your wishes, get another lawyer.

  1. Representing yourself

Representing yourself could have three problems:

  • The court staff, including the judge, often look down on litigants who represent themselves
  • You will be under a lot of stress because on top of dealing with the emotional facts of the case, you also have to manage your defense preparation.
  • Legal jargon could get confusing.

Before you decide to represent yourself, assess the consequences of such a move.

About the author

Kamji Dean has been an injury attorney for ten years. He advises any clients who don’t have finances for lawsuits to read top consumer reviews to find companies that will fund their cases. Visit his blog for more.