Motorcycles have gained tremendous popularity in recent times. The popularity has, in turn, led to the increased use of motorcycles primarily due to their performance, speed and ability to maneuver both on and off highways. However, as the number of motorcycles in the highways continue to increase, so has the number of fatal accidents involving motorcycles. It is safe to say that motorcycle riders are usually at higher risks of being involved in accidents than their motorist’s counterparts. Therefore, to understand why motorcycles are termed as high risk commuter vehicles, we shall analyze the five main features and factors that make motorcycles prone to accidents.

The following are five ways motorcycles are at increased risk of accidents

1, Light Weight

The performance and ability of motorcycles make it a high-risk vehicle especially for beginners or less experienced drivers. It is impossible to compare the stability of automobiles to that of motorcycles. Motor cycles are generally light -which- when combined with speed and torque power, can produce a severely drastic collision in the case of an accident. Other modes of transport such as cars and trains can withstand impacts from motorcycles and not the other way around.

2. Unsafe Roads

Very few roads have motorcycle lanes which means that almost all the time motorcycle riders must share highways with truck, bus and car drivers. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), driving motorcycles in highways increases the chances of accidents by up to 16.5%. This is due to the confusion that may arise especially when switching lanes or maneuvering corners.

3. Drivers Blind Spot

Most motor cycle accidents have occurred as a result of riders speeding too close to vehicles; a move which, more often than not, ends in disaster. NHTSA officials together with the government have for a while been advocating for motorcycle riders to seek legal representation in the case of accidents. This is because most motorists are not aware of their legal rights and thus, end up sustaining injuries in case of accidents while careless drivers go unpunished. Page Law is an example of a law firm that offers legal representation to motorcycle riders. Such agencies are important, especially when using motorcycles as they ensure you get a fair chance to make your claims.

4. Reduced Margin of Error

One should be extremely careful not to misjudge estimations or turns when riding as failure usually leads to severe accidents or rear end collisions. Therefore, the reduced margin of error for motorcycles makes it prone to accidents since not all drivers are able to maneuver highway traffic and corners while maintaining a high level of accuracy. Simple mistakes have led to costly motorcycle accidents as most drivers do not anticipate errors from riders which leads to head on collisions or the motorcycle riders being thrown off the lane.

5. Safety Limitations

Apart from the leather kit and driver helmet, the motorcycle has no other security feature such as emergency breaks and airbags or even seat belts. This increases the chances of accidents occurring since prevention measures are very minute-consequently exposing riders to high chances of collision or being displaced off lanes. Also, most motorcycles are easily destabilized by potholes and uneven surfaces which expose them to the risk of accidents.

Whether you are an experienced rider or just a beginner it is important to consider these above-listed factors before choosing to ride a motorcycle in a busy highway.