What Is Live In Care and How Can It Help?

In an ideal world our relatives would live long and happy lives in their own homes, happy in their own surroundings until the natural time came for them to pass away. But unfortunately sometimes people are not healthy in old age, and memory problems, dementia, and increasing frailty can make it difficult for people to live independently. No matter how much you or they desire it, sometimes living alone is just not possible. So does that mean you have to look for a care home for an elderly relative? Fortunately there is another option, which is the live in care solution.
It may be difficult for someone who has been living independently to get used to not being able to bathe themselves, or to have someone help them with cooking and moving around. It is even worse when they have to move into a home away from familiar surroundings. Care at home is where a carer lives in the person’s house, either on a full time or part time basis, so that the person can stay where they are familiar but also receive help with daily tasks. This is particularly important when it comes to dementia because as the disease progresses people are increasingly unable to live by themselves.
Live in carers provide support for elderly or vulnerable people who are going through a challenging time. Carers offer not only active, practical support but companionship, friendship, respect, and conversation. One of the issues many people face when getting older and less mobile is loneliness as they find it hard to get out and maintain social contacts. Carers help with daily tasks like taking care of bathing, organising medications, helping the person with their shopping and cooking, and providing mobility support. Carers also aim to allow the person the chance to do as much as is possible by themselves, as long as they are safely able to do so.
Live in care may seem to be the most expensive option in care solutions but there are affordable ways to finance this type of care. It is often the only option for many families who want to protect the safety of their relative but also allow them to remain independent for as long as they wish. Care at home is a valuable option when looking after the needs of elderly relatives or those recovering from illness.