Often, parents of adoptive children wonder what “legal” rights they have over their child. Often, these rights depend on the adoption laws of the state they reside in. If you are either thinking of adopting a child the first step you have to take it is hire an experienced lawyer. Once that is done, there are a few things you need to take into consideration before you proceed.

Once the adoption process is finalized, the non-biological or foster parent is legally given the same liabilities and rights a biological parent would normally have. Parents have the right to raise their child and ensure that they have are provided with all the necessities and given a good upbringing.

This means that they have the right to make decisions that concern a child’s education, medicine, health care and other related matters. If the adoptive parent’s end up getting a divorce these rights extend to child custody and visitation as well. To know more about what rights foster and adoptive parents have, it is wise to consult an experienced lawyer.

Rights Of An Adoptive Parent

Before a parent has legally and officially signed the adoption papers, they are allowed to access to no more than the following information about the child:

  • Getting the child’s biographical and medical documents and related information.
  • Getting notifications and information about a child’s placement in the past.
  • Refusing to place the child into foster care or foster home in case of a tragedy.

Rights of Foster Parents

Because the time spent with a foster parent is short, there are different international, federal and state laws that families are required to know. For this, they need lawyers and attorneys who know how to get the relevant paperwork and ensure that everything goes according to legal protocol. However, most laws give foster parents a lot of rights.

Generally speaking, almost in all the states, foster parents are given the following rights:

  • Being respected and considered a member of the child’s family.
  • Timely and prompt reimbursement of the money they spend on the betterment of the child.
  • Having an opinion regarding when and how the child visits the biological parents and family.
  • Communicating with people such as teachers and therapists. All individuals involved in the welfare of a child.

When it comes to child placements, a court makes the decision with the best interest of the child at heart. When a court assigns a child to a foster parent, then the child is there only until he or she is adopted and given a more permanent settlement. In some cases, a foster parent is a temporary solution till the child is returned to their biological family. Foster parents have a strong impact on the child’s life and though the relationship is temporary, it is extremely important.

It is possible that the rights of a foster parents are overlooked based on the shortness of time the child spends with them. A foster parent can get their rights and make sure that they get the same treatment as adoptive of biological parent with a lawyer’s help.

Scot Lennox has often written about similar cases and is the author of the above article. He talks about how difficult a process adoption is and shares key tips with clients by referring to experts found at places like djpsolicitors.com.