Protect Your Business: 5 Necessary Security Measures Your Website Needs Now

Data and information is one of the most important assets of your business. Cyber hacking is a lucrative business all over the world, that has the goal of getting your customer’s personal information. This information can be used to commit fraud, ruin credit, create debt and, in extreme cases, even obtain a driver’s license and get a mortgage. Here are five security measures you can use to protect your website from hackers.
Each employee should have a personal username and password for any system that requires login. The passwords can be changed at least every 90 days and never be written down, include any personal information, sequential number, or common words spelled backwards.
A firewall will protect the network by controlling the Internet traffic that enters your business database and goes out. The two main types of firewalls include a hardware firewall that is usually installed onto the modem or router. The other type is software that is installed onto a computer. Antivirus protection will kick in if a hacker gets past other security.
Security applications are constantly improved as hackers find ways around them. If you have network protection, it will only work well if it is updated regularly. No application is 100 percent secure, but the programs are regularly checked for new issues and holes that have been fixed.
Losing data and information, whether is it from a hacker or through lost or stolen laptops or mobile phones, can seriously cripple a business. At least, if the data has been backed up regularly, the damage can be much less. Companies that handle data recovery in NYC and elsewhere can also help when data is lost. The general rule is to back up servers every week along with personal computer back up every night or every few days.
Laptops and mobile phones hold a lot of data and are easily lost, left in restaurants or on a train or stolen. Laptops should be encrypted. This will change the look of information on the hard drive so that it can’t be read without the correct password. Mobile phones must have encryption software, password protection or lock-out protection and remote wiping enabled. This will allow a phone to be completely wiped if it is lost or stolen.
Any business that requires personal information from customers to be held in a database online, should take measures to protect this data. This is essential not only to protect the customer, but also the business, because lost data could result in costly lawsuits and fines.