Pros and Amateurs: Why the Line Between Aesthetic Photographs Online Blurs
Within the last five years, there is a lot of evidence towards public gravitation towards “good” photography. Some analysts blame social media—there has increasingly been a need to share one’s life moments over social networking sites or blogs. Others maintain that excellent photography is a key to getting the attention of an audience.
If a person, startup company, or online business is trying to gain attention online via the use of a website, or even a social networking site, there would always be images and photos involved to draw attention. Depending on the presentation of the entity, the image is more likely to get hits and views from the audience or the customers if there are clear, sharp, and well-constructed photographs on the website.
Audiences tend to see grainy, pixelated phone-camera photos as a sign of unreliability in the part of the webmaster. After all, anyone with a camera on their phone can take a picture, but professionals have better equipment. But what if even the amateurs had access to that kind of equipment as well?
The trend towards photographing practically everything these days has begun to change the photography field. In the broadening scope of the number of people who want to have crisp, clear images from DSLRs, the cameras and the equipment needed to take a “professional” photograph have become more and more accessible. Even in third-world countries, professional photography equipment and other paraphernalia have been readily available from many merchants.
The internet is becoming inundated with people (many of them still young) who can take pro-grade photographs with the top-notch equipment. While these things are still no means “very cheap”, they have become affordable enough to allow even people who just want to dabble a little in the field to buy things that professionals usually need to work. And they result in very good pictures, better than any phone camera.
This is actually very good news to entities and companies just starting out, and even for the common man. If someone needed a photographer to take photos for advertising a startup business or to capture an important event someone’s life, like a wedding, or a daughter’s sweet sixteen, it’s no longer difficult to get great photos. If you don’t want to spend a great deal of money in order to get quality photos, there are many amateurs and hobbyists willing to get paid a fee to take those photographs. They would be relatively well-composed, in good clarity, and will definitely not cost as much as a major professional photographer’s package would cost.
But then, choosing this method as a way to cut costs and still get great photographs comes with its risks. You get what you paid for, after all. Ask first to see some of the photographer’s other photos, and see how well the amateur can take photos. There are hobbyists and amateurs who take great photos, and there are some who might not even be able to get a sharp focus on a lens. Choose wisely.