How To Make Your Mobile App Interesting
These days, the world communicates a lot more often than it used to 5-10 years ago. The way we communicate to each other has been enhanced mainly because of the abundance of great and intuitive mobile apps. If you want to gain attraction and grow your mobile app’s users, here are a few checkpoints you should consider in order to make your mobile app a lot more productive, interesting and intuitive.
Before Building your app start ask yourself how you can help people and ease their daily tasks. We are all constantly searching for new ways of getting things done better and faster. Go ahead and write down your app’s main mission. Try brainstorming 5 best domains that your app applies to. Nobody likes trying out stuff that only confuses them more. Building a mobile app that’s first useful to users is the best starting point – it will ensure a stable growth for your app.
Create a mobile app with a clean basic design .Pinterest has been so successful mainly because of these two reasons: practicability and design. It started out as a website for working home mothers who bookmarked photos of their cooked dinners. Users generated attractive content (who doesn’t get curious on a picture with a great cooked dinner) and the team behind Pinterest made sure all that content was still under an intuitive, clean and basic web design layout.
Think about it. Working home mothers might not have great skills with a computer so everything needed to be presented itself on a basic level. Make sure your app doesn’t require users to make too much effort in spotting things.
Don’t give users a chance users to get lost because of a bad design. We’re all users at core and we’re all in a hurry. Your app should make a straight-forward statement from the 1st minute it was launched. A clean basic yet interesting design of your app will help you accomplish that.
User’s control User’s privacy is a concern you should really have in mind when developing your next mobile app. It affects all of us. Your app has to give users the ability to control their content. People are now more social than ever and care about the things they share more than ever. Users are more likely to ditch and uninstall your app if it raises privacy concerns. Basic functions as edit/delete content, block or hide specific users are now a must and users should have control of their content in order to protect their identity.
Building a mobile app that can also be used by people with disabilities is a big plus. Sometimes, mobile apps are adopted earlier by people with disabilities before regular people just because the app has been built with great accessibility functions in mind.
Follow these rules while developing early versions of your app.Invite some users you know they might have fun with your app and ask for their opinion. Based on that feedback, head on developing a basic version of your app.
Author Bio:
Bella Dcourz is a content writer. She writes on a range of topics including Health, finance, mobile phones, technology, and money saving advice, SEO, and social media.She suggests to contact 02 telephone if you have any problem with your Mobile Apps.