Why Women-Only Addiction Treatment Is So Effective

For all people suffering addiction issues, choosing the right treatment option can be difficult. In the case of women, there are unique challenges to face in addiction treatment and their needs are best met by gender-specific programs offered by women’s rehab centers.
Tracing back research on addiction treatment, it is clear that much of it is focused on male behaviors and responses. Drug rehab for women has become more prevalent since the early 90s and now research is beginning to reflect the very real difference in addiction problems between the sexes.
There are significant differences in the way men and women develop, experience and recover from substance or alcohol abuse that are better addressed in gender-specific rehabilitation centers. Women also suffer more social isolation as a result of the stigma against female addiction that has considerable influence over the type of rehabilitation treatment they require. Women’s rehab centers have the advantage of offering addiction treatment programs designed specifically for and led by women exclusively.
The actual dependence on drugs or alcohol is developed through chemical changes in the brain and its processes, which is similar in both men and women. However, women often have trauma in their past that has led to them self-medicating with drugs and drink to ‘treat’ associated depression and anxiety. With prolonged substance abuse, patients show considerably reduced serotonin activity which is accompanied by symptoms like lack of clear judgment, self-control, and emotional moderation.
Many women with addiction issues are more secretive than their male counterparts. This is largely due to the heightened stigma they face and the social isolation that follows. If female addicts are parents or pregnant, they can have the additional fear their children or unborn babies may be placed in custody by social services. This is one of the most common factors that deter mothers and expectant mothers with addiction from seeking help.
For that reason, addiction in women usually manifests in a different way than it does with male addicts. Often the most obvious sign for a loved one that a woman in their close circle has addiction issues is a slow withdrawal from the social scene, poor attendance at work and a defensive attitude when questioned. Loved ones and family members are often best placed to seek the right treatment when they recognize the symptoms of addiction.
It is when it comes to seeking treatment for addiction that the significant differences between men and women become apparent. Women who are also caregivers are often the last to look for support because of all the emotional issues they face such as fear of losing custody or feelings of guilt and shame if they raise their head above the parapet. Addiction treatment centers that are specifically targeted at women offer a more inviting and compelling environment for the very personal and emotional journey rehabilitation can be. Women communicate better and more openly with other women, particularly if they share similar experiences and circumstances in group therapy sessions and importantly, the treatment they received is based on the unique challenges they face.
There are considerable benefits for women entering female-specific addiction treatment programs. Among many is the solid camaraderie formed with other female patients with similar back stories and the bonds formed that can be of considerable support during recovery. There are also advantages to be gained from the platform of empathy and understanding among women in treatment that contributes to removing barriers to successful outcomes. Women feel more comfortable communicating openly with other women and it is the best way to get to, address and move on from any emotional issues underlying addiction.