Qualities That Positive Leaders Possess

Being a great leader is not the same thing as being a positive one. A great leader sometimes rules by fear and authority rather than respect and love of their subordinates. Moreover, while great leaders have tactics that help them achieve results, these results are often of a short-term character, seeing as how driving people too hard might result in a high employee abandonment rate.
On the other hand, a leader that endorses their employees cares deeply about them might experience a situation where their employees refuse to leave even after being offered better terms by competitors. All in all, being a great leader is good, yet being a positive leader often comes off as better. That being said, there are several qualities that a positive leader possesses.
The first skill that every leader needs to possess is the ability of active listening. There is not a single method out there to show your employees that you really do care about them, their worries and their problems than to take some time and listen to what they have to say. Focus and become an active participant in a conversation. Ask questions, leave meaningful comments, however, do not interrupt them. No matter how hard you try, it is nearly impossible to fake interest. Therefore, make sure to place yourself in their point of view, which might help you see why they are so passionate about the thing they are talking about.
Apart from the above-discussed, being a good listener also means being better at gathering feedback. An employee will never hesitate to entrust a problem to a person who really listens to them, to someone who is always there for them. Moreover, while some argue against fraternizing with employees, there are certain benefits to knowing if your star employee has some personal issues. After all, you don’t want to lose some of the most valuable members of your team because you are too insensitive at the wrong time.
If your employees need to go on courses, attend online seminars and constantly be briefed on new policies and rules of the game, then so do you. On the other hand, instead of focusing on some other tasks, you might need to improve your leadership skills. Some companies like Futureproofology focus on grooming leaders suitable for performance cultures, rather than those who are efficient in achieving short-term results. Needless to say, this is probably the direction you want to take as well.
Another thing you need to keep in mind is that a person who is passionate about what they do is easy to spot, even from a mile away. If you, as a leader, seem to be bored by your current post, what can be expected of your subordinates? After all, you are supposed to lead by an example, so if every day at the office feels like torture, imagine what it feels like to everyone else. Try to remember what it was that got you into this industry, in the first place, and do your best to reestablish this broken connection.
When it comes to most workplaces, a lot of people leave not because of their job but because of their boss. However, those that do stay, mention their colleagues as one of the main factors that influenced their decision. In order to boost the overall morale around the office, you might find the way to improve the first and additionally strengthen the second factor. In order to do so, create cohesive teams with solid internal structure and employ as many teambuilding techniques as you possibly can.
As a leader, you will have a unique insight on what’s going on in your industry at any given moment. That being said, by setting adequate goals and hints, you are pointing your audience in the right direction, yet you aren’t necessarily transparent enough. In order to build a workplace that is based on transparency, you need to explain the course that your office is taking to your team. Share with them your vision, your mission, as well as where you see this company in 5, 10 or 15 years. Remember to mention that they too have a huge part in helping this enterprise get there.
At the end of the day, a leader is a beacon, someone that everyone around the office turns to when they need guidance, permission or even encouragement. Still, a leader is something that has nothing to do with your position in a company. Think about it, every social group has its ‘unofficial’ leader, someone they look up to; someone whose words resounds the strongest. Needless to say, in your company, you need to become that person. So, instead of acting like a boss, start acting like a leader.