How to Survive an Economic Depression

While an economic depression is unlikely, the only way to survive one is by acting now. The unemployment rate is well below the 25% rate we had for the great depression of 1929. There are also other factors to consider before the US economy went into a deep recession or depression. However we all need to start preparing for it now just incase the US went into a depression. Below I have outlined some basic but effective steps that will prepare you for an economic depression.
Have cash in the bank. Now is the time to start saving as much money as possible. The FDIC insures up to $250,000 per depositor, per insured bank. You can start saving money by following the steps below.
Pay off all your debts and only have one credit card, from a major bank, for emergencies only. Look into debit consolidation so that you can lower your monthly bill and interest.
Look into a part time job to supplement your full time job. If you like writing, consider writing for a few different websites like eHow, Associated Content, Bukisa, etc.
Look into joining Costco or another wholesale distributor. Buying in bulk will save you a lot of money in the long run. Also go online and look for coupons that will save you money on individual items.
Grow a garden and plant your own vegetables and fruit. For the winter months have enough vegetables packaged and frozen; also look into to preserving fruit. With the price of produce on the rise this will make a big savings in your budget.
Revaluate your job career to ensure that your current job will be around in the future. You may want to consider another career that will be around in the future, like Health Care Industry, IT jobs, etc.
When your doctor writes you a prescription, insists on a generic brand drug. You can pay as little as $4.00 per prescription for generic drugs.
Make sure your home is energy efficient. With the cost of heat fuel and electricity on the rise, a more energy efficient home can save you thousands.