The Apple App Store is a popular spot for mobile device owners. Everyone loves to download new apps, in a variety of categories. Hundreds if not thousands of apps are created each year and Apple owners must weed through the new apps to find the best games, helpers, photo options and more. Some apps bomb while others become so popular that they have millions of downloads. Because there are so many apps available, it can be hard for consumers to find the right options for their device. Below are a few top apps for 2013!

iphone touch technology


The EasilyDo app is a great option for busy consumers. The app is free and offers a personal assistant experience on your mobile device. The app connects the user to many different online services. Email, Facbook, calendar and more can be combined so that you can catch up easily throughout the day. Notifications are available so you can easily keep track of activities during the day.


If you are forgetful, then Evernote is the app for you. This app is a simple note-taking option. If you need to take notes for work or everyday life, then this app works well. This app is connected to a cloud service so the user can connect all files for easy access.

GAIN Fitness

If fitness is a top priority, then the GAIN Fitness application is a top choice. This app is a total workout accessory. The app helps the user create a customized routine for exercise. The app is absolutely free and has many preloaded exercises that create a full body workout. The preloaded options allow for a nice change in one’s workout. With different workouts, exercise does not become monotonous. The app also provides add-ons which can be purchased for side workouts.


Music lovers enjoy the free iHeartRadio app. Radio is still popular and with this app, users can listen to one of 1,500 radio stations that are playing live. Music stations can be customized and created based on a user’s favorite artist, music group or particular song. The iPhone app can even be used to stay on track with weather conditions, even when the power is out. Keep your phone charged and use the app when the power goes out to keep track of local weather conditions.


For travelers, one of the best free app options is Kayak. With this app, users can access the same great features that are available at The app is great for travel as it covers all areas from hotels to flights and car rentals. Users can search for whatever they need during travel and then book as well. Great deals are listed on the Kayak site and are easily available to travelers via the application. A simple search can get you started in the right direction.

Each of these apps is great for iPhone users. Give them one of them a try or check out the Apple App store to find more apps that can make life easier!

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