The mission to achieve youthful skin has never been more prevalent than now with more people looking for methods to rejuvenate their face to make them appear younger. While there are many skin products out there that can make your skin look radiant, these are temporary solutions and won’t be able to cure fine lines or wrinkles. This can make permanent measures like facial rejuvenation surgery a better option.


There are many types of facial rejuvenation surgeries available with new technologies making them safer than ever to undergo. Preparing for surgery can be daunting due to the recovery time, risks and fear of hospitals. However, it’s very rare for these types of procedures to go wrong, so it’s worth it if you are unhappy with your appearance.


If you want to feel more confident in your appearance, facial rejuvenation surgery might be your best solution. Continue reading this guide, as we lay out all of the surgery options you have and why they might be the best choices for you.

Types of Facial Rejuvenation Surgeries


One of the most common types of cosmetic surgery is a facelift. The technical name for a facelift is Rhytidectomy and is one of the best ways to eliminate wrinkles and fine lines on your face, as it can give you a more youthful and smooth appearance. It works by lifting your skin and pulling it back on the face to tighten it, which will reduce the signs of ageing. The procedure is perfect for individuals who have loose skin around the lower half of their face, including the neck.


There are different types of facelifts you can get, such as:


  • Mini Facelift: Ideal for early signs of ageing, this is tailored to rejuvenate the skin below the cheeks rather than the whole lower half of the face. This combats sagging in those areas and has less downtime than a regular facelift.


  • Deep Plane Facelift: Using more advanced techniques than a regular facelift, the skin, muscles and SMAS are all elevated together in a deep plane lift for optimal results. It’s proven to eliminate deeper fine lines and wrinkles.


  • Neck Lift: This focuses solely on making the neck look tighter and smoother to reduce loose skin, also known as “turkey neck”. This is one of the areas that gains the most wrinkles as we age, which makes this procedure life-changing.


The most drastic procedure on this list is piezo rhinoplasty. This is a cosmetic procedure that completely changes the structure of the nose, which is the part of the face that makes the biggest difference to your appearance. If you aren’t happy with the shape or size of your nose, you can get this altered with rhinoplasty in a variety of ways.


It can change the nose symmetry, bridge width, nostril composition, nose profile and nasal tip. The only downside of the procedure is that it can take a few weeks to heal and there will be major swelling during this time. However, you won’t have to stay in the hospital for long as you are usually discharged on the same day.


Upper and lower eyelid surgery aims to reduce the sagging around the eyes and eliminate the hooded appearance that can impair the vision of some people. This can help with achieving a more youthful appearance, as you can rejuvenate your face surrounding the eyes. The main focus is on the precise removal of excess skin and the management of fatty tissue around the eyes.


The eyes are the most expressive part of the face and are what other people will look at the most, so making sure that this area looks good is very important. Downtime isn’t too long, but you will have to avoid showering for a week after the surgery has been completed.

Brow Lift

The best way to improve the appearance of your eyebrow and forehead area is through a brow lift, which tightens the skin in the upper half of your face to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The forehead is one of the first areas of the face that shows signs of ageing as we get older, which makes a brow lift a very popular procedure for all age groups.


Having realistic expectations is important when undergoing an endoscopic brow lift. This is what you can expect from the procedure:


  • Refined Facial Texture: Signs of ageing around the eyes and forehead can be eliminated, which will improve the texture of your face. This allows you to avoid having to get more invasive procedures.


  • Symmetrical Enhancement: Many people aren’t happy with their eyebrow symmetry. You can balance the brow line and correct how they look to make them seem more natural.


  • Boosted Confidence: Having a youthful appearance can make people feel more confident in how they look. You should give yourself time to get used to your new look before you decide on whether you are happy with it.


Some characteristics on the same can make a huge difference to your appearance and confidence without you realising it. One of these is the ears, as the size, shape and positioning of them can change the way you look. An otoplasty, also known as pinnaplasty, can correct your ears to make them how you want them to be. Your surgeon will give you recommendations based on your head shape and size to give you the best-looking ears.


Conditions such as macrotia (overly large eras), previous ear surgery side effects and symmetry deviations can all be fixed with an otoplasty. It can also help with your hearing if you are suffering from hearing loss in either of your ears.

Chin Augmentation

Your facial profile is impacted heavily by the size, shape and position of your chin. If your chin comes too far forward or is set back too far, it can hurt your side profile and make your appearance worse. This all comes down to personal preference. If you aren’t happy with your chin, you can get it altered with chin augmentation.


There are a variety of techniques that can be used for chin augmentation, including implant genioplasty, osseous genioplasty, filler augmentation and tissue or fat grafting. Each of these will have a different impact on your chin and your surgeon will recommend which one will be the best for your appearance.