This is the age of plastic money and living without credit cards is almost unthinkable. With the growing emphasis in moving towards a paperless system for money transactions credit cards are fast becoming a necessity for everyone. Having credit cards with you means you need not worry about your current balance in your bank roll as the card allows maximizing your financial capabilities. It gives more flexibility in spending and organizing your finances in a better way. Florida credit cards are popular among the residents of Florida who are eligible to get the Visa cards issued by several Credit Unions that cater to the needs of the resident members.
A Word About Credit Unions
To get a credit card, you have to be a member of any Credit Union and open a savings account with them. Every member becomes an equity holder of the organization and is considered as co-owners. You are provided with a diverse range of financial products accompanied by supporting services that can be used to augment your finances. Being a share holder of the Credit Union does not mean that you can trade in the shares for profit. The philosophy of the Credit Unions is to share the benefits among its members with complete mutual trust. Hence the gains of business are distributed among the members in the form of dividends and members can fall back upon the Union to seek financial assistance whenever they need. Credit Unions are created to serve its members only and not the public at large.
For Residents of Florida
Florida credit cards are almost synonymous with the Credit Unions operating in the region with the purpose of serving the people of Florida. If you are working in Florida or living there or have a business in Florida then you are eligible to become a member of any Credit Union. Surfing the internet can help you locate the Credit Unions or you can get referrals from friends and acquaintances who are members of any of the unions. Personal accounts and business accounts can be maintained.
Types of Credit Cards
Florida credit cards are designated in different types according to the credit limits assigned to them. The Secured Visa card has a credit limit of $2,000 while the Platinum Visa has a credit limit of $10,000. Payments can be auto debited from the savings account of can be made by checks. Auto rental collision damage is applicable for both types of cards. However, the Platinum Visa has many more added features like Warranty Manager Service, Travel and Emergency Assistance Services, Travel Accident and Baggage Delay Insurance across the world.
The credit card entitles you for cash advances that can come handy to bridge gaps in fund flow that can happen occasionally. Most of the cards that are offered do not require annual fees. Credit card payments are even more secure than before with the introduction of EMV payment system that makes it mandatory to use micro-chip enabled credit cards to protect against fraud.