Digital Revolution Sets PR On Top

Holmes Report and the International Communications Consultancy Organisation’s (ICCO) recent report showed that the public relations industry is thriving to such an extent that it experienced growth of 8% in 2012. This means that the PR industry is currently outpacing the world’s economic growth. Despite this growth, however, the report’s authors state that the PR industry doesn’t always exploit the opportunities that are available to it by an evolving media environment.
The report concluded that key aspects of the digital and social media revolution are normally PR strengths. These aspects include an “emphasis on transparency, authenticity, credibility and dialogue”. The report added that there is now an “unprecedented opportunity” for PR to eat into the market share of various communications disciplines. Also, there is the chance of having a prominent role regarding corporate reputation, such as building up the reputation of brands.
PR agency principals believe that this year the most important areas to focus on for increasing investment are digital communication and senior level counsel.
At the heart of PR strategy should be utilizing innovative, engaging and perceptive website digital content marketing opportunities, along with social media and apps. Strategy For Content. A structure and programme should be devised that complements normal PR content with effectual content publishing and community communications. Doing this successfully will result in budgets being maximised and creativity being widened.
The market context and the competitive nature of your environment is something that will be understood by an agency, though knowing what your competitors do will make it easier for us to give you the best advice.
An experienced and knowledgeable PR person will be very aware of issues management, and of the current climate. They will try and look ahead at things that could possibly affect your business adversely – and, in the process, possibly save your company’s reputation.
Being aware of the latest developments in social media and technology is important, but, it’s the increasing levels of transparency regarding business that is really revolutionary. Consequently, businesses have to be more responsive and personalised, with research and insight of major importance in helping to achieve this.
Increasingly, brands need to resolve their internal issues for their communications to thrive. A PR agency can offer support in a number of ways, including with workshops, a comprehensive review, or with structured communications planning.
Article contributed by Garima Mehta for Broadgate Mainland, financial PR specialists.