Over 600 medical disability cases are looked into everyday in Ontario, Canada and it often becomes quite a task to ascertain whether a person is making a false claim about his condition. Thus, you should try to avoid any discrepancies or errors when you file your disability claim. You can do this in the following manner:

Applying For Benefits

You can apply to the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) either online or on the phone to get income benefits. You will have to fill four forms, out of which two will be done by your healthcare providers and two by you. You can take the help of your disability lawyers to fill these forms and ensure there are no discrepancies. ODSP also provides instructions to help you out as well as a list of all the healthcare providers suitable to fill the forms. Once you have filled the forms, within three days a staff member will call you for an appointment.

Proper Medical Evidence

During the appointment, the main thing that all social security benefit programs will look at is medical evidence to certify your condition. They will want to ascertain how far this condition affects your day-to-day functioning and ability to get a good job.  You can take the help of disability lawyers to help you gather all medical evidence to ensure that you are not overlooked during a review.

The social security programs in Toronto, Canada will require that you provide all medical treatments you have undergone along with the doctor and hospital’s name and number. You will also have to provide all recent treatment received to prove that it limits your ability to work.

Work History

After your medical evidence has been ascertained, the social security program will now review your work history. This is done to check whether you have been able to perform all the functions of your job or whether your disability has affected it in any sort of way.  You can always ask the disability lawyers in Toronto, like say at Clarke Law to help you create a proper record of all the jobs you performed, when they began and ended and any reviews from the boss and staff.

Disability Hearing

Suppose your disability claim has been denied by the social security program, you can file a case for a hearing by an administrative law judge. Take the help of a disability lawyer in this matter, as he will help present your case in front of the judge. You will need to have all your medical documents, work records ready for the hearing and you should also get a physicians statement. Your disability lawyer may also get an expert to provide evidence about your condition during the hearing itself.

Thus, you must make sure you fill out your forms properly and have all your medical and work documents ready for your appointment. When you or your disability attorney have proven that your disability affects your daily functioning to a major extent, you will be eligible for benefits and your disability claim will be successful.


  1. http://www.cleo.on.ca/en/publications/disabben/how-do-i-get-started
  2. http://www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/contentonly?vgnextoid=b4b08fb738780410VgnVCM10000071d60f89RCRD
  3. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/05/16/ontario-to-rethink-disability-welfare-reviews.html
  4. http://www.ssdrc.com/disabilityquestions3-25.html
  5. http://www.ssdrc.com/disabilityquestions1-63.html