Impressive Magazine

Why You May Need To Find Alternative Strategies To Educate Your Teen

When it comes to teaching a class of teenagers, you really do get a mixed bag. You get the ones who are trying to impress somebody through disruptive attempts at attention seeking. You also get the sulky, sullen ones who never look up from their doodle pads. Then there are those bright sparks who sit up and ask questions, and consequently get paper balls thrown at the back of their heads. When you are the parent of a teen, you hope for the best, but sometimes end up with the worst.

When your beautiful baby suddenly becomes an oafish teen, you wonder where all the years in between went to. You are faced with a person who seems to want nothing to do with you, and perhaps even hates you. They refuse to engage with you, and you find yourself shouting at someone who has mastered the art of not even flinching. How can you continue to parent an individual who has shut you down like that? Most importantly, how can you be sure that all the valuable tidbits of wisdom about the world have made it inside?

For your child, their teenage years are the most important for their education. At school, they need to be consistently hitting good grades to make the most of their adult life. At home, you want to ensure they are safe and well in all their attempts at taking on the responsibilities of a grown-up. You want them to behave appropriately in all their relationships, and make good choices when faced with temptation. How can you achieve this if they want nothing to do with you?

Sometimes we need to say enough is enough, and look to alternative means of getting through to our teenage children. You can try a Residential Treatment Center to engage your son or daughter in more creative activities. These allow your child to express themselves through the arts and come to terms with the troubles they are having. Arts therapy has proven to be an effective means of helping children of all ages, no matter what emotional problems they have.

If you fear your child’s grades are slipping, sometimes some extra private tuition is all that is needed. Not all of us are wired up in the same way to understand things as easily as others. There can be alternative ways to learn that are more effective than what is available in standard classes. Finding the best way for your teenager may be all it takes to improve their behaviour and grades. Speak to the school for some ideas, and then try to have a heart-to-heart with your child.

Poor behaviour is generated by many reasons. It needn’t just be teenage hormones or a need to find independence. Sometimes, how a teenager is able to learn can come into play. See if your teen’s frustrations are related to difficulty in classes. Frustration can lead to unpleasant reactions from your child that you may find completely unacceptable. Finding a way to maintain calm and focus may just require a different outlook on teaching.