Impressive Magazine

Why Does My Business Site Need A Mobile Version?

As a business owner, you probably understand the idea that a solid website attracts more visitors and creates a much better audience for your products and services. However, no matter how much money you spend on a perfectly designed website and marketing campaign, if your business has a lackluster or incomplete mobile version, then you may as well say goodbye to a huge portion of your demographic. Mobile sites play an integral role in a company’s viability in the online marketplace.

Tech-Savvy Consumers

Today’s shoppers demand much more information than they did back in the day. Just as you spent hundreds of hours and lots of dollars on creating appropriate and informative content for your website, you’ll need to spend just as much energy on your mobile site.

More often than not, online buyers use tablets and smartphones over traditional computers to do everything from pay bills to purchase car insurance. In order to draw in this tech-savvy generation, you need to invest in a quality mobile site.

On-the-Go Visibility

Have you ever visited a website that was hard to read and difficult to navigate? Imagine that the same website was also stretched out over a tiny screen so that you couldn’t even read the whole thing. Regardless of how beautifully your website is designed, if it’s not formatted appropriately for a mobile screen, then it’s useless to your demographic. People won’t spend long trying to find the right links or read text that stretches for miles. Your business needs a mobile design for on-the-go access.

Easy Menu Options

A properly formatted mobile website offers convenient links to your company’s most popular or useful pages. For example, companies that sell car insurance might offer quick, drop-down menus on their mobile sites for maintenance tips, car facts and quotes.

When browsing mobile sites from their phones, consumers want quick and easy access to the information they need. This means you need to consult with a professional marketing expert or developer to create visible and easily accessible links.

Online Sharing & Social Media

In an age where social media dominates the marketing landscape, your business will need to up the ante when it comes to online sharing and accessibility on social media markets. Because most people now do a bulk of their online shopping from tablets and smartphones, your mobile site needs to draw in your demographic and keep them interested enough to share their finds online with friends.

Marketing consultants can offer a clearer picture of the impact of “likes” and “tweets,” but in general your mobile site should offer clear ways to share directly to social media sites. This creates a continuous cycle of visibility for your brand.