Impressive Magazine

When Your Budget Is Tight and You Want That Edge

You’ve got to admit that this is a world where getting attention means having to spend a lot of money on it. This is obvious since day by day it’s becoming increasingly difficult to attract the attention of potential consumers and customers. You’re not just up and against some huge consumer companies, but you’re also competing with the social media plus there are a plethora of other distractions involved in the entire process. Now, you might be wondering about what you’re supposed to do if it’s a tight budget that you’ve got. Well, in that case you should know that it isn’t completely impossible to get some good marketing done and that too on a tight budget. IBOXSEO could obviously help you out in this regard and hence it’s honestly not that big a deal at all. The smoothness with which it handles things and that too keeping in mind your budget is sincerely a dream altogether.

When Your Budget Is Tight and You Want That Edge

5 Online Marketing Strategies you could use when on a Tight Budget 

Here are 5 online marketing strategies which you could very well make use of when you’re on a tight budget –

1. Try Publishing on Niche Blogs:

It’s true that getting published on the front cover page of a major magazine isn’t possible when you’ve got budget constraints. However, you can definitely take advantage of Internet marketing opportunities by getting featured in popular niche blogs. Try demonstrating goodwill by offering a niche blog a certain amount of your product or services for free. You can then send ideas for blog posts and see if the blog manager wishes to promote your content.

2. Get Endorsed by some Local Celebrity: 

Since you’re on a tight budget, hence it mightn’t be possible to get endorsed by a global celebrity, but you can always get your business endorsed by a local celebrity at least. Local celebrities are essentially those people your local papers are writing about and they should be relatively easy to contact.

3. Go Ahead and Write an e-book: 

You don’t really need a publishing company to get distribution for a book where you’ll have to end up spending thousands of dollars. There are great websites available where you can easily upload a digital book and that too free. There’ll be a certain percentage accountable for every sale though. This is not just about profiting from direct book sales, but it’s also about encouraging readers to visit your website in the process.

4. Do Create a Group on LinkedIn: 

This is a very good way to actually go ahead with Internet marketing and it hardly costs you anything for not only is a LinkedIn group free to create, but also a fact that you can then offer your professional network energetic, useful information resources.

5. Do Create Videos for YouTube: 

Remember, YouTube definitely happens to be a powerful platform if you’re looking to market your business online. After all, this is one place that boasts of 800 million unique visitors each month. Now, you can post videos here, but make sure that you put in something more. Marketing videos should essentially contain a keyword researched headline, a call to action and a clear editorial message.

Keep in mind the 5 tips and market your products or services effectively without spending loads of money. It’s not always like that the more money you spend translates into the best you get, so the idea and focus remains to spend as wisely as possible for that’d give you the very best of everything. It takes a little bit of knowledge and understanding, that’s all you see.

Author: Dave Ken the Digital Marketing Strategist in IBOXSEO. Who have worked with firms in the UK, Ireland, and HK on growing their online presence via lean strategy. Hugely passionate about the evolving nature of SEO, He is always interested in the latest shifts and patterns, particularly related to content marketing.