Impressive Magazine

What’s Included In A Mommy Makeover Procedure?

The joys of motherhood are boundless however, the toll having a baby takes on the bodies of women are rather drastic. Not only does it ruin the appearance of the skin because of scarring, it can also leave a dent on the self-esteem of mothers. During pregnancy, your body can change in different ways you can never imagine. While some women are lucky enough to have a good bounce back to their pre-pregnancy bodies others aren’t.

Whether you opt for a healthy routine of diet and exercise, sometimes having a mommy makeover can be the only solution to getting your pre-pregnancy body back.

What Is A Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover as the name suggests is a surgery or group of surgeries that could help a woman, feel and look like the way she did prior to pregnancy and childbirth. Typical problems women have with their body after childbirth are:

Surgical scars for women who had their kids via a Caesarean section.

These issues can be solved by a variety of surgeries that altogether forms the mommy makeover.

What Is Included In The Mommy Makeover?

The mommy makeover includes surgeries like; a breast lift, Tummy tuck, vaginoplasty, skin and cellulite removal, and stretch mark removal.

The most common of all that women opt for the most after childbirth is, a tummy tuck and breast lift.

Breast Augmentation

A typical problem that occurs after childbirth is, the sagging of breasts causing them to be loose and smaller. This is caused by hormonal changes which cause the breast tissue to be inflated during pregnancy when it’s at a high percentage, and deflate when it’s at a low.

A breast augmentation or breast lift can easily help with the size (implantation) and shape of the breast. Depending on the degree of elasticity, some women would require implants while others might not. However, a breast lift helps both cases without affecting the shape and size of the nipples.

Tummy Tuck

The stomach is stressed and stretched during pregnancy. If exercise and a great diet cannot help with this problem then, a tummy tuck should suffice. A tummy tuck helps in restoring firmness to the stomach and eliminates any loose skin. During this procedure, an incision is made at the pubic bone, the muscles are tightened and small pockets of fat are removed. There are different types of tummy tuck procedures; Traditional tummy tuck, extended tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck and non-surgical body contouring.

Your surgeon would typically go with one of these based solely on, the level of damage on your stomach.

If you have tried eating healthy and exercising without any solution then, a mommy makeover can be the only solution to have you feeling youthful and confident again.

What to Do Next

Consultations at plastic surgeon medical facilities across the country are typically free. So schedule an appointment with a trusted surgeon and explain what you’re trying to accomplish. You may not need the full gambit of services involved in a mommy makeover

This article is provided courtesy of Body by Kotoske in Arizona. To learn more about the services we provide, please visit our website.