Impressive Magazine

What San Diego Mobile Groomers Do Different and Better

We all know that having dogs and cats in the family comes with countless joys. It also comes with many responsibilities. One of the most important of those responsibilities is making sure that they are groomed properly and regularly, which aids in their good health. Good grooming is about far more than keeping them looking and smelling fresh and beautiful, which makes your choice in grooming services very important.

When looking for grooming services in San Diego, most pet parents wisely compare shop services to those of mobile groomers to find the one that offers the best fit for their pet, and their own schedules. However, it is sometimes difficult to know what differentiates the two services.

Mobile pet grooming services offer all of the services you might expect at a shop or store, but with some important key differences. Here are some examples of what mobile groomers do different, and better.

Mobile Grooming Services Cater to Special Needs

Grooming shops and store services must gear services toward the masses and cannot always handle dogs with special needs such as being blind, deaf, arthritic, have allergies, epilepsy are high strung, or have prior groom shop trauma. In many salon environments, the presence of other cats and dogs can make already vulnerable pets just too excitable to make grooming safe or effective and for this reason, many choose not to serve this population. Mobile groomers, such as Awesome Doggies, have the time and ability to cater to those special needs in a safer and more inviting environment.

Mobile Grooming Services Fit Into Your Schedule

Since mobile grooming services come to you, it is much easier to fit it in to your schedule. Having the service come to you eliminates all of the time it takes to load and transport your fur babies to the salon, then home again. It also eliminate the hassle of having to be tied down in the area all day or the need to pick up at certain hours.

It’s Faster

In most cases, mobile grooming takes an hour or less. One significant reason for this is that the groomer does not have any competing duties. Another important reason is that the groomer has the groomer has the opportunity to get to know the dog or cat and what makes them most comfortable and secure. If they are calm and comfortable, the grooming session goes much more quickly.

The Environment is Much Calmer

Any time there are even a handful of dogs and cats in one place, things are bound to get a bit noisy and stressful. Even one unhappy or fearful dog or cat can cause all the others to become unhappy and fearful. Under these conditions it is not long before they learn to dislike grooming.

No Cages or Cage Drying

Since mobile grooming appointments come to you, there is never a long line of critters waiting to be groomed or picked up after a grooming, so there is never a need to use a cage. Because groomers are working exclusively on dapper pup or beautiful feline at a time, they can hand dry each one with great care rather than setting them in a cage with a dryer directed at them while they perform other tasks. While it is possible to use cage drying methods safely and effectively, it should only be done under strict supervision. Hand drying has proven to be a much safer and healthier method for drying our pets.

Your Dogs and Cats Get to Know the Groomer

In many grooming shops or stores, it is necessary to double book grooming appointments in order to make the overhead costs. This means the groomer must work faster and take less time getting to know the dog or cat or in providing reassurance during the grooming process. Even though the actual grooming process, start to finish, takes less time in mobile pet grooming, more of that time is spent in bonding and getting to know your treasured friend

In addition to all the other advantages of mobile grooming, home is always just a quick sniff away. Having home close enough to see and smell is a tremendous comfort to your dog or cat, and reduces the amount of stress endured. It also helps the pet parent, because we all like to know our sweet friends are near at hand and in good hands.

For more information visit : Awesome Doggies