Impressive Magazine

Unlock The Rules Of Child Custody and Watch Your Child Thrive Now

Coming from parents of divorce doesn’t have to be disastrous.  In fact, some studies have shown that when parents who simply cannot get along ultimately divorce, their children become more well-adjusted than if the marriage stayed intact and the children grew up watching the dysfunctional relationship.

That said, there is no doubting that divorce can be difficult for children; even if only at first.  That’s why parents who are divorcing should enlist the help of an experienced family law attorney, such as to get the best divorce settlement possible, without forgetting that children are involved.

At Romano Law P.C., you can expect compassionate attorneys that are dedicated to your case to help you every step of the way.  Knowledgeable about common family law issues, specifically those concerning child custody arrangements, the law form of Michael Romano can help you help your child adjust.

That said, let’s take a look at some of the most important “rules” you should follow when after a child custody agreement is in place so that everyone involved, including your children, can thrive.

1. Don’t Talk About Your Ex

No matter the reason for your divorce, never talk down about your ex in front of your children.  Not only does this set a poor example for your children, it can have dire effects on your child.  They may begin to internalize the statements you make and feel they are also about them too.

You child still loves your ex.  After all, that is the other parent in the equation.  Keep your bad thoughts to yourself, or at the very least complain to someone other than your child.

2. Remember Why Custody Exists

It is easy to get caught up in the bad feelings surrounding a divorce.  And unfortunately, this may lead one parent to attempt to punish the other as a result when it comes to the custody of the children.

Child custody agreements are supposed to be about what’s best for the child, not you.  And it definitely isn’t designed to harm your ex, no matter what he or she did.  Make sure you evaluate the needs of your child, depending on their age, and create an agreeable custody arrangement that makes your child feel happy.

3. Communicate with Your Ex

It is crucial you maintain some form of amicable communication with your ex while your children are still minors, even if you don’t want to. This is especially true as your child gets older and has more activities to attend.

Take the time to talk about your child’s behavior, schoolwork, health, and extra-curricular activities.  Discuss any issues you may have related to your child’s emotional behavior and make sure everyone is on the same page at all times.  Your child’s well-being may very well depend on good communication.

4. Don’t Fight

Being divorced often comes with long-lasting hurt feelings.  And, while it can be challenging to not argue against everything your ex does, especially when it relates to your child, it is important to pick your battles wisely.

The last thing you want to do in increase the animosity between you and your ex.  Your child will see this immediately and make them feel worse about an already less than ideal situation.  Try to fight about things that really matter and let the rest slide.  And remember, don’t ever fight in front of your child if you can help it.

In the end, there are countless divorced parents making child custody agreements work to the favor of their child.  And, by following the above-mentioned tips, you too can allow your child to thrive despite being from parents that couldn’t stand being together.