Impressive Magazine

Top Five Cyber Security Myths

Cyber Security Basics

The notorious scandals as well as unfortunate personal experience induced people in a constant state of doubt when it comes of revealing private data on the internet. This is in fact one of the main business tricks of the media who would question the security and basic conditions of various companies in order to find the best story and launch a real craze among the public. Professionals however stick to their intention to provide us with the latest and top five cyber security myths that though can be easily busted would still cause some moral and also financial damages to people. These would also reveal some of the most well-known tricks cyber criminals use to convince people to offer their personal information. Though some of the might seem familiar for the majority of frequent internet and social network users, however some were also kept in secret for a long time and were revealed just recently. Enrich your knowledge of security especially if you are a real rookie in this domain.

Cyber Security Myths

Myth No.1: Having Firewall Equals Safety

  • Though it was echoed several time that having a firewall would be enough to protect us from any harm, it turns out that this statement is not 100% true.
  • Undoubtedly it requires additional justifications, namely that this is in fact a real gate to the outer world. This might have endless benefits still it is also used by hackers in order to invade your privacy and take advantage of your vulnerability.
  • Security can’t be guaranteed by the producers of these programs since finding the weak point of a similar shield won’t give any headaches to professional hackers.
  • Therefore it is important to know not only where we head when crossing the firewall but also what might enter our system.
  • Myth No.2.: An E-mail From a Friend is Safe

    Hackers as well as potential criminals often use the ‘address’ list in order to send spams as well as attacks that can weaken and in more severe cases destroy our computer. Those who are specialized in security issues are aware of the fact that e-mails can come from endless sources that are either traceable or completely untraceable. Therefore think about getting letter from people you don’t know or senders you didn’t contacted. Keep away of opening these especially if you have experiences similar disasters. Often the tragedy can’t be avoided since most of the skilled hackers are aware that disguising themselves in relatives and friends is the ultimate solution to invade one’s privacy.

    Myth No.3: Links From Twitter and Facebook are Safe

    It is a common misconception that the link provided by friends on social networking sites is safe and secure. However with the development of technology hackers and attackers also specialized in targeting these centers of users that often suggest security and people tend to reveal their personal information. Hiding behind the mask of a friend can be the best means to send spams as well as scams. With the use of XXS or cross-site scripting these criminals copycat the applications creating the alter ego of your favorite Facebook or Twitter

    Myth No.4: Hackers Target Financial Transaction

  • Those who don’t do any business operations on the internet might feel themselves safe from the attacks of hackers. However it seems that ‘property’ is quite a wide concept. Lately intellectual data theft is more common than the well-known financial damages.
  • There’s no need to have your credit card information to be deprived of important properties. Instead think about great companies who store and exchange their knowledge as well as plans and objectives with their partners, which can be easily stolen by pro hackers.
  • The world leading companies can suffer extreme damages if their secret plans and business initiatives will be revealed used for personal interests.
  • Myth No.5: Messages are Safe, Attachments are Dangerous

  • Professionals also warn us of the harm individual messages can do to our operation system. Some would think that reading those few words can’t do us any damage, instead clicking on the attachments is the real triggering factor of tragedies. This is partially true, however it must be also mentioned that hackers are able to create real harmful messages without the need of any click of users. These e-mails are dangerous enough to do any harm due to their threatening content.