Impressive Magazine

Top 5 SEO Mistakes For Big Websites To Avoid

Remember the days when major brand were competing on who would put the bigger billboard on your way to work? What about TV commercials fighting for our attention with the catchy jingles? This is how we used to learn about brands, but know we simply put the inquiry into the search bar and press enter. Severe competition and relocation of business online has made search engine optimization a key activity for every successful company.

Constant change of algorithms and updates turns SEO into an evolving field of marketing that requires constant work and improvement. That is why even leaders in their fields sometimes make mistakes that cost them loss in traffic and drop of sales. Many companies provide ecommerce seo services for such businesses, which is undoubtedly effective in case of continuous process. Let us take a look at most common mistakes you can come across while auditing a big website.

Top 5 SEO Mistakes For Big Websites To Avoid

Neglecting Local Search

International or national company often focus their optimization efforts on region or country search, which is a correct strategy in general. However, when targeting specific region or city, it is important to study the local search and make sure to use keywords specific for that area at your website.

Duplicate Content

Large ecommerce sites often have the same content appearing in more than one location. This causes problems for the search engine, which results in lower ranking. The problem can be solved by automated redirecting visitors to the pages with higher quality.

Low Quality Links Leading to your Website

Anybody who has been in the field for a while can admit that quantity of the links leading to your web pages used to go above quality. But SEO has moved on since then. Referrals from trusted webpages and being mentioned by a blog with high page rank now is worth much more than a thousand links from non-credible sources.

Going for Wrong Keywords

Choosing the right keywords is one of the most complex tasks in SEO. They need to be specific, not too popular among competitors, geographically oriented and attract potential buyers. Sounds too complicated? Remember that keywords need to reflect what your visitors are looking for, not just describe your product or services. Try to imagine what you would type in the search or ask couple of friends from your target audience to formulate it for you.

Ignoring Analytics

Or not taking full advantage of it. Measuring your progress and tracking ups and downs is the only way to find and correct probable mistakes of your SEO efforts. Weekly traffic and sales reports and analysis is a must-do of every online business. Don’t stop at basics, discover other features of your analytics tool, you will not regret the time spent.