Impressive Magazine

3 Things To Do When Taking Beach Vacation

Summer time is a wonderful moment for the entire family to have fun and play. Parents should keep their children safe and follow a number of basic rules. Here are three things they should do:

1. Avoid sun burn:

Children may have more sensitive skin and sun burn could affect them more. It is important for parents to control the exposure of potentially harmful sunrays on their children. As an example, the family should go to the beach before 10AM or after 3AM, when the sun is less intense. They could also bring umbrellas or find shades under the tree. Children should also get sun-protective clothes, which cover their torso, limbs and neck.

Don’t forget to bring child-friendly sunscreen. Water-resistant sunscreen with SPF30, can be ideal to protect our children for about two hours. Reapply if necessary. It is also important to bring some decent sunglasses to protect the eyes. The best defense in preventing sun burn is to avoid direct exposure to sun rays. All parents need to do is to take positive actions and extra precautions to limit any risk.

2. Consider beach hazards:

Other than sunrays, there are other things that can hurt our children at the beach. Sharp rocks could puncture their bare feet and tide pools could be the place where harmful microorganism thrives. When venturing into rocky terrain, parents should make sure that children wear sandals all the time. Preparation and vigilance are two things to prevent our children from getting harmed by potential hazards.

We should obey all warnings posted on the beach and swim only in allowed areas where lifeguards are nearby. Although children may be able to swim adeptly on the pool, parents should inform them about the potential dangers of swimming in the sea.

They can be caught by undertow and if such a thing happen, it is important for children not to panic. There could also be stinging jellyfish that can cause severe pain. If children get stung, parents should apply vinegar or alcohol. So, it is important to be properly prepared.

3. Follow water safety rules:

Drowning is the most common cause of death on the beach and it could happen very quickly. Even adept swimmers could drown if they are unaware of the current. There are some safety rules that families need to follow. Children should swim only on places where lifeguards are nearby and can be called immediately for help. Children shouldn’t swim alone and even if lifeguards are present, it is important to supervise our children very closely.

Parents also shouldn’t rely too much on any flotation device. This isn’t a substitute for swimming ability and understanding on sea current. Parents need to show good examples by following lifeguard directions and posted regulations. When children are on the water, parents shouldn’t turn their back on the sea.

Children could plunge into an invisible tide pool or swept off on coastal bluffs. Again ask lifeguards on the situation of the beach and how far children should be able to play safely into the water.