Impressive Magazine

This Year’s Most Important Information Security Trends

In the Information Age, information security is very important. As more and more data and business processes are put online, criminals have a convenient way to reach around the globe to any internet-connected system. Recent security breaches from retail stores to banks to well-known online applications have demonstrated that everyone is at risk. No one is immune from information security vulnerabilities and there are several important security trends that should be focused on.

Information Security Awareness

Your business is only as security as your weakest employee. For all the security breaches that have been in the news, one of the most important things to do is to train your employees on how to be more secure when using computers. Areas that need to be covered include proper password management, secure data handling, secure email usage, and save web browsing behavior. This will protect your computer systems and help your employees be more secure online at home. There are several organizations that provide free information security awareness programs that you can use or tailor to your business needs. A well-formed information security awareness training should be given to employees on a recurring basis.

Personally Identifiable Information Privacy

Handling customer and employee data is a critical business practice that builds trust and loyalty. Governments have realized this need for secure privacy practices and have enacted regulations and laws that mandate businesses protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Many of these rules come with penalties and even fines if they are not followed. The way your business collects, stores and handles PII needs to be defined and focused on in order to be compliant with regulations and laws and continue to build trust and customer loyalty. As more data breaches occur resulting in improper use of private information and identity theft, expect more requirements to protect personal data.


Cybercrime is crime committed by using computers. Criminals go where there opportunity and reward for their efforts. Cybercrime and threats come in many forms. Stealing data, money and scamming people are just are a few ways cyber criminals work. A knowledgeable information technology staff help reduce the vulnerabilities that your business may have. Making your computer networks hard to get into means cyber criminals will go elsewhere for easier victims. An Ottawa IT services professional says a thorough and accurate assessment of a network’s security is necessary to ensure its safety. For this reason, your IT staff should focus on running security tests and keeping systems updated. Placing great importance on IT processes will help keep your networks and employees safe online.

The internet enables businesses to be more efficient and productive. These three information security trends are important to address. From keeping your employees aware of information security to protecting personal data to fighting cybercrime, your business will build trust with employees and drive repeat business.