The Popular Off Page SEO Techniques

Off page SEO refers to those things which you can do to make your site rank higher without changing anything on your webpage. In order to generate more organic traffic and reach out to more potential clients, webmasters need to consider an off page SEO campaign which would put the site in the right position on Google. There are numerous off page optimization techniques which would help you achieve an increase in organic traffic as well as improved rankings on Google. Let us take a quick look at some of the popular off page SEO techniques which could help boost the ranking of your website.
Reciprocal Links: A great way to boost your web exposure is a reciprocal link. It is a situation where 2 webmasters create a hyperlink to each other’s website. These can help you raise your website traffic in 2 ways: Firstly a visitor at the reciprocal site can click on that link and reach your site. Secondly search engines like Google base their ranking on the number of sites containing links to your website.
Related Website Links: Just as reciprocal links, when the URL of your site appears under the related website links listing on another website, the potential click through rate of your site automatically increases. Therefore contacting another webmaster and getting a related link can be mutually beneficial for both parties.
Directory Submission: A directory helps web users to find products and services they need. Therefore you need to get your site listed on a number of directories which would in turn raise the number of click backs to your webpage. Just like the above mentioned methods, directory submission is also going to boost the ranking of your webpage.
Social bookmark submission: There is no dearth of social sites which bring together like minded industries. The members of these communities can tag your site in case they find it useful or interesting. This tremendously increases the chances of your site getting viewed by the visitors of the portal and is a good way of ranking higher in the search engine results page.
Article Submission: When you submit SEO optimized keyword rich articles for various online domains you not only get to market your product or services but also get to boost your online presence. However your articles mustn’t sound like an advertising campaign otherwise your submissions would be declined by the article directories. A solid keyword rich article would help to increase the click through rate of your site.
Video Submission: Just like article submission, a good quality video is also capable of engaging your visitors and raises your external link presence.
Creation and distribution of press releases: This is a superb way of keeping your website in the forefront. The new products and services you have to offer along with the new features of your site are some of the newsworthy items which can easily be submitted as PRs. However the information needs to be presented in the right format and style so as to increase your chances of getting featured.
Blog Submission: It is vital that you create a blog for your website. This would ensure that your website shows up on the search engine results more promptly. When your blog is ready you can submit your blog articles to the different blog search websites and thus increase your chances of getting viewed.