Impressive Magazine

Sue An Uninsured / Underinsured Driver – Make Insurance Claim

Sue An Uninsured

There are times when you meet certain unwanted situations. It becomes even more troublesome, if it is an accident and that is caused by a driver, who is neither insured, nor has any finances / assets.  Post suing the driver, even if you win the case, there are hardly any chances that you will get any money.

The irony

If there is any probability of defendant having money, then the court may budge and organize some plan for the payments. The point is, even in such situations, the amount that you may get as compensation, is not much. There is also a probability that the defendant may simply stop paying, then in such situations, you may have to go through the same procedure all over again. For details see this website.

The Money

A very solid aspect in terms of hiring a lawyer is- the lawyer will only take the case, if the defendant has some hidden money/ assets. Before the case is taken up by a lawyer, he/she will wish to run a check of assets and credit, of the defendant.

Post the check, if the results show what the lawyer has been seeking, then only the case is taken up by the lawyer. Once the case is taken up, the first legal move taken is the freezing of all the assets of the defendant while the litigation is on.

If by anyhow you feel that the driver is uninsured, then it is better, if a notice is given to the insurer in regards to you filing a claim. There are certain companies who have very strict deadlines that they put on their insured.

Some important points

There are certain important points that need to be taken care of well. They are as follows:-

If you face a situation where making an underinsured / uninsured motorist claim is unavoidable, then you must inform your insurance carrier faster / sooner. This is because the companies have a time limit set. Commonly, a holder of some policy is granted only 30 days to evaluate the requirement for the claim made.

It is a common practice by the insurance companies that the amount they let you cover for motorist coverage is lower than what you are allowed for your liability. This is the primary reason why this insurance is cheaper when compared to other. More criticalities cause issues for the insurance company, and that is why not much stress is taken up by them.

Though it may seem a little awkward, it is the job of insurance companies to inspect the levels of injuries and the intensity of the same. Even if people criticize, they have to do it as many may fake the claim, which is definitely morally incorrect.

Car accidents may be mild to severe, but none likes to experience. Yet if destiny says, it is better to beware of certain things that may fetch good for you.