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Steps to unprotect Ms Excel sheet

If I say that unprotecting an Ms Excel sheet is a tiring task, then surely the computer savvy people will hold my neck at their stake. As this is one of the easiest tasks one could do with Ms excel sheet. If your excel sheet is impeded with a password and the password isn’t in your memory then the process will be in a doomed arch. But you definitely have a secondary option for this trouble that is you can recreate your file which may have similar formulas and values that wouldn’t be protected and easily edited.
Steps to unprotect a file without a password
Go to the Excel document and double click it.
Hit the “Review” tab.
Click “Unprotect Sheet” or “Unprotect Workbook.”

How to unprotect a password protected excel sheet
The foremost way is to copy and paste the workbook content. This sounds an easy task and is not at all different from the words, but some people carry a perception not to apply this option because of its chastity.
In case your excel sheet is protected and you cannot access the cells on the excel sheet then in such a situation you need to put to use a web-based solution- named as a Google spreadsheet.
How to eradicate protection from a file protected by a password
There are different ways to expunge protection from an Excel sheet without the password without the password or to use the document creation source. This is a formatted way to import Google Docs Spreadsheet program, which may also remove protection after the document drops in its laps.
Step 1 – Actualise a Google account at or you may even access an existing one.
Step 2 – Log into Google Docs for which a Google account is a necessity: by entering a login name and password.
Step 3 – Hit “Upload” then scroll and “Select Files to Upload” option on the consecutive window.
Step 4 – Access the Google file chooser to locate the spreadsheet file to be uploaded and that protection will be thrown out.
Step 5 – Check and edit the data file after it is successfully imported into Google Docs.

  Authored Jian james. Jian James has been handling Computer related issues and has come up with several new and improved techniques resulting in hassle-free “user/computer” relationship. Do visit mytechgurusfor further assistance or any Tech Support related issues. MyTechGurus is an Independent Remote Technical Support company specializing in Technical Support, Customer Support, IT Infrastructure Management, Remote IT Services, Data Backup & Retrieval. Mytechgurus has more than 500,000 customers with customer bases in the USA, Canada, the UK and Australia.