Impressive Magazine

Slim Down Without Any Side Effects

It’s summer! Time to show off some skin!

If you’re not quite prepared to get your bikini on, there are ways you can speed up how you slim down to the figure that flatters you at the shortest possible amount of time. Best of all, there are several ways by which you can get bootylicious so that you can be hotter than this humid season without having to worry about side effects. So, keep going and get your hands on these top fat-busting secrets!

No pain, no gain?

Fat is not easily vanished nor managed. Cellulites are tough that’s why it hasn’t been always as easy as today to beat and watch those dimply, orange peel skin fade away. The treatment choices are vast and the possibilities are so extensive that the “no pain, no gain” philosophy is simply obsolete.

What does it take to finally get the slimmed down body you’ve been striving to get? It takes a combination of methods to get those unwanted fats out and keep them away. What does work, if you already have these in your system, are methods that will take the fat off, melt and flush them out.

In the case of cellulites, it may take more than just the power of Celluvexin, or any other cellulite cream for that matter, to get the job done. That’s because cellulites are not only caused by fats but also by tough fibers that lock the fats in and which pull down on the skin. This gives your skin a dimpled, rippled look.

Painless ways to get the body you’ve always wanted

You don’t have to subject yourself to painful treatments or procedures that result to side effects over the long-term to get the body you want to have and which is the envy of many. Try 5 of the ways you can shape up without having to suffer untoward consequences:

1. Eat a healthier diet. Slimming down does not have to rule out any particular food group from your diet. Variety and proper levels of nutrient intake are the key strategies to eating healthy. Dropping any food group in your diet makes you miss out on important nutrients which, no matter how little are required by your body, are nevertheless important. Even fat, sugar and salt are recommended by the World Health Organization, except warns to take these in very little quantities.

2. Exercise regularly. A gym membership is not required but what exercise means is engaging in more physical activities on a more regular basis — walk and run rather than drive, take the stairs rather than the lift. Although, increasing your heart rate substantially through various sports and cardiovascular activities is also a must, while also including weightlifting exercises to help build and tone your muscles.

3. Skin firming lotions. These are also often called firming lotions or cellulite creams. Use Celluvexin or any of these products to complement your diet and exercise by speeding up your body’s normal rate of metabolism, including its ability to breakdown and melt away fat. Use these as well to maintain the after effects of fat and cellulite removal procedures.

4. Schedule a massage. Massage enhances your body’s normal blood and nutrient circulation to make your body is better able to utilize stored energy. By so doing, fat storage is minimized and you gain a slimmer physique.

5. Get right down to where the problem is. There can be no better way to speed up weight loss than by availing of procedures that will help you shape up your body just the way you like to. If cellulites are your issue, avail of any three procedures that have obtained a thumbs up from the US Food and Drug Administration, the minimally invasive procedures, Cellulaze and Cellfina, or the non-invasive procedure, BodyFX. These three procedures work by releasing the fat that causes cellulites then melts these away.

Other procedures that work on bulges other than your cellulites are also available, two of which are Coolsculpting and Smart Lipo Laser Body Sculpting System. The first involves subjecting your fat storage to very low temp levels with a cooling device then, subjecting it to high levels to melt away the fat. The second involves using a laser tip inserted where fat deposits are a problem then, fats are heated and melts.


Getting the body you want does involve hardwork and discipline but also products and procedures that help you dramatically cut down the time needed to get your body from plus to va-va-voom!