Impressive Magazine

Quick Cleanup After Building Work

The construction work is over and you can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Not quite right. Even when the contractors are gone, you need to deal with the remaining dust and the dirt. Major building projects create huge mess of trash, smudges and scuff marks. Cleaning it is not an easy task, especially when you put all of your energy into the completion of the renovation. Hiring a professional carpet cleaning service in Ilford is an option worth considering. If you, however, decide to handle the situation solo, here are few tips how to finish with the job quickly and efficiently.


Getting your place ready for the construction work will save you a lot of efforts later. The first step is to cover all the electrical items. Use plastic wraps and seal them well. In fact secure everything that stays in the room during the building process. Put away removable items such as small furniture and carpets. This will prevent the dust from damaging your possessions. Another way to handle the process is by doing a quick cleaning every day so the mess doesn’t build up.

Ceiling &Walls

These areas are usually affected by the home reconstruction. In most cases the builders should dust off the walls after finishing. If you think that the surface required additional care, grab a damp sponge or cloth and go gently over the place. Be extra cautious and try to not ruin the paint. Approach the ceiling in a similar manner.

Vacuuming and Mopping

Remove the rest of the dust from the floor and other flat surfaces around your home with a vacuum cleaner. The best appliances are those with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters. These vacuum cleaners can absorb even the smallest particles, sufficiently improving the indoor air quality. Ordinary devices cannot do the same job. Mopping is a must! During the renovation, you should regularly ventilate by opening the windows. In this way you will let at least part of the dust out.
The floor is not the only place that attracts dust. Clean the windowsills, as well as the shelves and tables by replacing the end of your vacuum with a nozzle. Be diligent and try to get into all the hard to reach spots and corners. The interior glass part of your windows is probably quite soiled. A thorough window cleaning might be needed in this case. Blinds and shutters are serious dust collectors. Wipe them with a moist cloth.


These are the hardest and most tedious to clean. Sinks might fall victim to the construction process. They can get heavily stained with dirt. You need to purchase strong cleaning products, preferably with bleach. Light fixtures are also vulnerable to the dust and debris. Wash the removable parts, while you can rinse the fixed ones with a clean and lightly dump sponge.

Cleaning after the builders might take a while. It is not the most pleasant experience, but with a little patience and persistency you can tackle all the tasks.